I tried out the game Forsaken World with my friend Nyko and so far it has been really fun. The graphics aren't bad and the characters are fun to run around on. The auto location system they have makes going from quest to quest a lot easier for new players who don't know where anything is (like nyko and I). The quests have all locations and monsters in green text, that you can click to make your character run to that location. Also, I haven't had a single problem with this feature sending me into walls or other objects. It actually uses the main paths.
The company that makes Forsaken World also makes Perfect World (same style game but a brighter version of it). I thought I would try it out as well. Oh man, glitch fest extreme. First off while the graphics on forsaken world are great and also don't freak my laptop out, the grapics on perfect world i have to turn into ugly mode. Next, the auto location system from FW is in this game too but it has gone retarded. It just shoots a straight line for the location and sends you running into anything in the way. Also, it sent me into the sea once. Yep, right into the sea. 0_o Next, I was trying out a bowman when my bow just randomly stopped working. I had arrows, the durability wasn't zero, and when i took the bow off it wasn't in red (can't use) mode but turned red once i re-equiped it. I had the stats to use it. I have no idea what happened or why it quite suddenly stopped letting me attack with it.
Another thing I noticed is that all the armour on FW seems really race and class specific (every race looks waaaay different and the armour they get will not look like the armour other races get) but after playing several races and classes on perfect world it seems that the armour has only two variations (light armour set for magic users and heaverier set for other classes). That was a bit of a let down.
I didn't manage to get into a guild in order to check out the guild halls in PW (something i was excited to check out) but I doubt I will even get to since I couldn't even get the tons of players online to help me figure out why my bow randomly stopped working. They just weren't very friendly or helpful.
I uninstalled PW. I can't believe that game was so glitchy and awful.
FW is really fun so i'll conintue playing that more than likely. If anyone checks it out let me know.
I might re-download Rohan since i have so much room on the laptop.