Title: Rescue was an Accident
tinkerbell99Rating: PG
Pairing: Claire/Locke
Word Count: 500
Summary: Goodbye told in five connected drabbles.
Note: I'm trying to get back into the habit of writing Coake, and it's not been easy. This, apparently, is also what I do with a day off work. :-) Enjoy!
Rescue was an accident.
She heard Sun gasp and watched her raise a shaking hand and gesture out to sea. They’d been laughing one minute - comparing the gentle swell of Sun’s stomach to the beach ball Claire swore she had been carrying around - and suddenly there it was. No more than a tiny white dot on the far horizon.
She watched the others scream and wade in the surf, waving their arms above their heads while they cried and laughed all in the same breath.
The ship grew large as it approached.
Claire fought the urge to run.
He saw the ship long before the rest.
With silent eyes he tracked its approach while the sea rose and fell in choppy waves. No one knew until Sun’s sudden cry.
He watched as the rest gathered on the beach and Claire stood silently off to the side. His fingers brushed the heavy gun at his side as Jack and Sawyer met a lifeboat the ship had dispatched, their own guns ready at their sides.
This may be their rescue. This could be a trap.
Then Jack shook a hand, and Sawyer did the same.
They’d all be leaving soon.
She found him in the midst of the chaos of bags being packed and tarps being pulled away from their ties.
He smiled briefly and reached one hand out to Aaron’s chubby hand. “Seems kind of strange - people taking the time to pack.” He paused to zip up his own bag. “Can’t imagine they’ll be needing too much on the ship.”
“You’re not leaving, are you?”
He smiled again at Aaron and shouldered his pack. “You need any help getting things on board?”
She shook her head and remained silent.
He sighed. “I can’t go, Claire. I’m already home.”
“I don’t understand why you won’t leave.” The words escaped in a rush. The beach was nearly empty, and their time was almost gone. Frustrated tears swam in her eyes.
“Because there’s nothing there for me to go back to.”
“So, what? You’re going to stay here and run around the jungle like Rousseau?” Aaron let out a fussy cry as she absently switched him from hip to hip.
“Claire -”
“No! You can’t stay here. I can’t…” She bit her lip and looked at the sand while he waited silently. “I can’t do this alone.”
“You won't be, Claire.”
When Jack took her arm, she shook him off. “We’re leaving soon,” he said and nodded a silent goodbye to Locke.
“You need to go, Claire,” Locke whispered while watching Jack’s retreating form. “It’s time.” She turned her head away to hide the tears. “We were all brought here for a reason, Claire. Now you can leave. And I’m supposed to stay.”
“Right,” she mumbled bitterly. “This is fate.”
Placing one hand on her shoulder, he leaned in and kissed her forehead. “Everything is.”
She raised her eyes.
“I’ll see you again, Claire.”
She watched him disappear into the trees.