Your name: Sam
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rides_thebeastContact: MidnightLullabii - AIM/Plurk
Other characters played at Passing: n/a
Character name: Mallorie ‘Mal’ Cobb
Character fandom: Inception
Version: V1
Canon point: post-movie
Importing development from old game? Noooooooope
Mal Wikia /
Inception Wiki Changes from canon, if AU: N/A
“What was she like in real life…?” “… She was lovely.”
Mal is such a complicated, complex, and simply divine woman that it’s really hard to give her just one trait. Lovely is a term that encompasses so much of Mal, but leaves so much of her unknown.
A further definition of ‘lovely’ would be Mal’s genuine kindness and compassion towards others. She is a woman who always treats others with high regard and dignity, feeling that every human being has their place in the world. And coming from a family that is experienced in dream sharing, she has grown up knowing that there are always two sides to people, and you may be missing an entirety of a person just from what you see in reality.
Her nature is that of someone who is light and carefree when she so desires to be. She can be very teasing and sweet, and chooses to look at matters from a simpler sort of standpoint. But when it comes down to it she is also a woman you would want on your side in a pinch.
Mal is clever. She’s so very receptive of the world and dreams around her that it has shaped her entire personality and designed her to be fast-thinking and always developing what she sees. It is was she studies architecture under her father, a skill that comes in handy in her dreams.
Under pressure, Mal can be cool and calculating. In her head. Her mind can evaluate situations regardless of the circumstances. But sometimes her personality falls a little short of this. She can get overwhelmed and hysterical if people put too much pressure on her in a pinch, but rarely truly violent or angered. If she gets a moment to breath and people are breathing down her neck she can accomplish anything she sets her mind to.
When it comes to her anger she handles it in two ways depending on the situation. Where wit and grace could easily give her the upper hand, she can behave calmly and coolly and generally reacts with a harsh tongue. But if it’s a situation out of her control she will sometimes resort to screaming and yelling if she’s feeling like she’s not being heard. It only takes a breath or two to calm herself before she tries to manipulate people into believing her views of things.
Mal is so easily moved between different states of emotion that its hard to ever really pin her behaviors. Her moods are easy to sense, but her reactions can vary and be so complex that you never see them coming. This is why she is such a beautiful woman.
“That’s quite a subconscious you’ve got on you, Cobb! She’s a real charmer!” “Oh. So I see you’ve met Mrs. Cobb.”
The Mal of reality and the Mal of Dominic Cobb’s subconscious share similarities and huge differences that make them seem like two different people sometimes.
After Mal’s death she takes on an entirely different personality it seems. Her driving forces in life are not only Dom’s memories of her desires but Dom’s own guilty conscience that devours her entire being.
The Shade of Mal is very similar to Mal in behavior. When she’s not threatened. And when dealing with situations beneficial to her. But when things get beyond her control, when they don’t go according to plan, or if someone invades Dominic’s subconscious unwelcomed, she can turn vicious.
When Mal turns vicious it’s a frightening sight to see. The manipulation used in her former life is now used to twist and distort people’s emotions and wills into things they can’t even trust in. Her violent outbursts can be loud and screaming and uncontrolled, or soft and disturbing and full of threats said with a pretty smile. Mal doesn’t respond well to the questioning of her reality, and she is not afraid to stab or shoot anyone to either kill or cause pain. If it gets her what she wants, she’ll do it without hesitation.
That’s not all the Shade is. The Shade can be much like the real Mal at times. It’s just always wise to play it safe and careful with what you say around Mal. If she feels threatened, her personality will change in an instant and it’s really hard to talk her back down.
As it applies to dreams specifically: She can create the world within the dream to be as realistic as she wants. She’s very adept at creating worlds within dreams and is only limited by her own imagination. She can use this to create dream labyrinths to trap people in if she wants to. Or create anything else she might want. This is all from studying to be an architect in the real world and dream training with her father and Dom. She’s very skilled at using and manipulating dreams.
Writing sample:
Salt water lapped at the young woman’s feet as she stared out across the horizon. The horizon of the world she created. So that the sun set on it’s beauty every day and rose again every morning to reveal nothing but the perfection that Mal and Dom had so desired.
It was almost unbearable how perfect their world had become. It was so full of so much that she could hardly believe it had come from only her and Dom and their endless creation. But it had. And it was all theirs. No one else could even imagine the world they had created together. Because nothing else compared to it. It was full of things that shouldn’t exist but did. And full of their memories.
It was wrong to create from memory. They both knew it was a bad move, that creating from memory blurred the lines between reality and the dream. But both were addicted to their own creation that they couldn’t bare to put a stop to any of it. To let those memories crumble and fade when they could exist in their reality.
Because it was real to her. Every bit of it was real to her now. The water that sprayed against her face with the wind’s movements, the sand that buried her feet before crumbling away in the tide. All of it was real.
Even the train that flew past their city every day at sunset.
She turned her back to the ocean now and smiled that soft smile of hers as she saw something else that was real. Or someone else. Her husband. Her beautiful Dom in all his glory approaching her from the city, looking just as happy to see her as she was to see him.
“Were you missing me?” She smirked slightly. As though she didn’t already know the answer.
Dom swept her up in his arms and she kissed him with a delighted laugh.
Oh yes. This was all to real.
Voice sample:
threads I’ve started
"I used to create worlds..." - 7/19
posted: mal
involved: eames (likesbigdreams), hiedi
occurrence: mal gets shot in the face (eames), mal discusses how she knows dom loves her (heidi)
"He shot me in the face!" - 7/19
posted: mal
involved: eames (stillbadspeller), ariadne (thenewarchitect), eames (likesbigdreams)
occurrence: eames tries to rationalize with mal (likesbigdreams), mal thoroughly shakes the foundation of ariadne's reality (ariadne), eames actually talks to mal like she's a person (stillbadspeller)
"Who enjoys being told they're unreal?" - 7/21
posted: mal
involved: blanc, casey, ariadne (thenewarchitect)
occurrence: mal makes a new friend (blanc), mal tells casey the difference between observing and experiencing (casey), discussion on real, unreal, threats, and dom (ariadne)
threads I’ve responded to
"This isn't a dream, right guys?" - 7/16
posted: ariadne
involved: ariadne, dominic
occurence: Mal and Ariadne debate her reality (ariadne). Mal tries to convince Dom his reality isn't real (dom).
"'Love takes Hostages' True or False?" - 7/17
posted: dominic
involved: dominic
occurence: Dom forgets he's in a dream. Mal tries to keep it that way.