So I was internet-propositioned by this guy, let's call him Tony, because that's his name. He came to me with this weird story about how his husband is no fun, and how he wants a boyfriend he can have fun with. No, this concept doesn't make sense to me either. Yes, the husband knows about his search and apparently agrees with it. I honestly don't intend to take any titles or honorifics with this guy, as the premise of being his sanctioned mistress just sounds like a whole heap of drama baggage; but I figured 'What the hell?' Meeting a guy for a reason besides sex might be fun?
He's a pretty cool guy. He's excitable and a little eccentric, but he's a big gamer (video game variety) and has an interest in table-top gaming. We had a good time. It wasn't supposed to end in sex, but it did. I guess it's different from a hook-up; it's just that I fuck on the first date. Apparently. Either way, the sex was good, so no regrets. I think it's interesting that I'm curious if he'd act the same way without being in 'first-date mode.'
Anyway, the date was interesting because it forced me to do some introspection. Him being so excitable sort of made me realize how low-key I am. I don't think it's a bad thing, but it was just interesting to me to see myself trying to keep up. Him wanting to be affectionate and me not digging it was interesting to me seeing as how affectionate I am with James. I guess it's a comfort level thing, and speaks for how I feel about James.
Tony wanted to watch one of our games before our date, which was weird. I think he's just very social and doesn't understand how critical my circle is -- or even how critical I am. All I could think is "I don't even know if I like you, never mind if my friends will." I also just have this aversion to putting all my 'gay' out there. I'll joke about it all the time. Though I worry that people can be 'accepting' all they want, but they still don't want details. They can be alright with hearing about it, but they still don't want to see it. I'm not saying people would oust me for it, but I can't help but feel they would rather not see it in action. This concept confused Tony, and he honestly seemed offended that I didn't want to bring him over to meet my friends before even I met him.
tl;dr: Stress-free outing with a new guy was fun; bringing him home might prove to be more stressful.