Fumbling Towards Ecstasy
Total Wordcount: 21,116
Chapters: 10 + Epilogue
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Jensen/OFC, or RLF, or whatever you wanna call her
Spoilers: not a damn thing
Feedback: oh hell yea!
Disclaimer: No body owns Jensen...or Jared...except themselves, yada yada, kumbaiyah, chumbawhumba, woolly bully, greased lighting...whatev
Author's Note/Preface: I...am a loser. Plain and simple. The OFC/RLF is ME....obviously, it's like, shiny me-with-Jensen version that is in my dreams, but frankly....this is me being Mary Sue OUT THE ASS and writing down my own lil fangirl-ish dreams. AND, because I'm COMPLETELY LAME, I used my own name! HA!...that's also because I'm too lazy to pick a new one...sue me....no seriously, sue me, I dare ya, you won't get SQUAT. NOW THEN
Jan 2012 // Megaupload was shut down, links are no longer active
I will not be re-uploading these... unless someone specfically asks for them
that's right, I made a soundtrack for this one too...but, I was a complete loser and couldn't bring myself to cut any songs so...
it's a 2 (nonexistant) disc soundtrack!! whoo! lol 40 FRIGGIN SONGS!!! hahaha
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Chapter One