Mar 13, 2006 22:30
I which I didn't drink so much this weekend! I finally got a dress... I'm not that picky haha
Mar 08, 2006 18:11
Trivia tonight!!! Im a dork <3 Friday night Christyna (on eof my best friends) will be joining me with all my other friends to have a AMAZING time!!! There will be no underage drinking no worries haha
2 Weeks cast comes off!!!!
Feb 23, 2006 17:49
it would be a lot easier if i didnt care...
Feb 20, 2006 17:56
well, things lately have been pretty good. i'm getting excited for college and the boys who go to the college!!!!! i miss my old friends.
Feb 09, 2006 20:02
I miss him so much i can't help but cry...
Feb 03, 2006 17:46
today sucked... besides hangging out with Joey. Tonight i'm going out with everyone... should be interesting, hope i dont fall asleep in the movie.