F yeah, infopost bandwagon

Jun 28, 2011 18:31

I totally haven't been impatiently awaiting the friends list update so I could post this, I don't know what you're talking about.

So you want to know about Pinkie Pie. Welcome, welcome, come in, come in! I promise not to Pinkie roll you 1 bite.

I don’t promise not to YouTube spam 2 you. I’ve wasted hours watching various 3 and sundry 4 My Little Pony videos 5, and I like to share the joy 6

The first thing you need to know is that Pinkie is a cartoon pony. This means that she talks, can walk on her hind legs if she wants to, swallow things twice the size of her head, and appear in impossible places, including a bowl of sponges, an apple cart, and a mirror 7, among other things. She’s quite possibly made of dark matter 8.

She’ll also burst 9 into 10 song 11 (sometimes about cupcakes! 12), but this is something even her fellow ponies look at her funny for, so it’s not just because she’s a pony.

Pinkie is what’s called an “Earth pony”, in that unlike her friends Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, or Twilight Sparkle, she’s not a pegasus or a unicorn. As such, she can’t fly or perform magic. Not that this stops her from routinely breaking the laws of physics, as demonstrated above.

Pinkie is from Ponyville, a small town in Equestria, a matriarchical kingdom of ponies run by Princess Celestia, a giant troll 13 pegasus and unicorn who is responsible for making the sun rise and set over the entire kingdom. All the ponies in Equestria have a special, unique talent that makes them who they are, which is symbolized in their “cutie mark”, the symbol decorating their flank. Pinkie’s cutie mark is a set of three balloons, symbolizing her great talent for throwing fantastic parties.

No, seriously, parties are her life’s work. So much so that a lack of party guests can send her spiralling into a depression 14 that leads to a psychotic break 15. It’s pretty impressive. To Pinkie, there’re precious few problems that can’t be solved with a party 16 or a musical number 17. Even an infestation of parasprites 18.

Pinkie seems to live almost exclusively on baked goods. She has a special fondness for cupcakes, though Anders and Stark may be dismayed to learn that she’s totally willing to put hot sauce on them. She’s also tasted a rainbow 19, but it was not to her liking.

Pinkie has the ability to predict the future, which I would link to except all I’m finding are links to the entire episode in which her “Pinkie sense” is revealed. Suffice to say, Pinkie’s various ticks and twitches are actually a startlingly accurate barometer for unfortunate events around her. A twitching tail means something is going to fall (anything from frogs to pianos to ponies themselves), and an ear flop, eye flutter, and knee twitch means “watch out for opening doors” (though an ear flop, knee twitch, eye flutter means “there’s gonna be a rainbow”). These can get as specific as “there’s an alligator in the bathtub”, but considering the fact that she has a pet toothless alligator named Gummy, this is maybe less impressive than it seems at first glance.

Mostly, what you need to know about Pinkie is that she’s seriously manic, incredibly hyper, and very, very random. She may finish an anecdote about her childhood with “and that’s how Equestria was created!” without any trace of irony. Actually, she’s a little bit immune to irony, especially sarcasm 20.

In conclusion: Pinkie Pie is a little 21 eccentric 22 and totally pony-fabulous 23. And you should all watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic 24. If for no other reason than to see if you can spot Doctor Whooves .


1 Pretty much just what it says on the tin.
2 Pinkie going “Whoo!” for fifteen minutes.
3 Mighty Pony Power Rangers
4 MLP Inception trailer
5 My Little Pony: Friendship is Metal
6 Pinkie Pie is a Flagpole Sittah
7 Pinkie reminds Twilight Sparkle that betraying a friend’s trust is the fastest way to lose a friend foreeeeeveeeeeeeeer
8 The physics of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
9 Facing your fears song
10 Evil Enchantress song
11 The Grand Galloping Gala song
12 Cupcake song
13 Princess Celestia trolling at a tea party
14 Pinkie decides none of her friends want to be her friends any more
15 So she throws a party for her new imaginary friends Rocky, Sir Lint-a-lot, and Madam le Flour
16 A look inside Pinkie’s thought process the first time she meets Twilight Sparkle
17 Pinkie sings that the local colonialist metaphor needs to learn to share with the local native culture metaphor
18 Never fear, Rarity, Pinkie is here to save you!
19 Pinkie tastes the rainbow
20 Fluttershy’s a tree!
21 Playing the trombone
22 Pinkie’s secret mime
23 Equestria Girls promo
24 The first episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
25 A google image search for “Doctor Whooves”. No, seriously, this pony exists in canon.

Questions? Comments? Cures for non-gendered bronyism? My other characters are infoposted here.

info post, ooc, administrative

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