1. Name: Tasha
2. Age: 24
3. Birth date: 3/27/1981
4. Location: USA
5. Five Adjectives to Describe Yourself: insane, artistic, depressed, forgetful, shy
6. Interests: reading, drawing, singing, writing stories, watching movies, roleplaying.
7. Talents: Drawing, singing
8. Have you read the comics and/or watched the movies? Watched the movie - own the movie too
9. Have you read any of the books that the characters were taken from (however roughly)? Yes I’ve read Dracula, the adventures of tom sawyer, the weird Mr. Hyde story… and excuse my memory it’s late
10. How do you feel about or deal with… (Explain if possible, however shortly)
a. Power?: fearful that I’d abuse it - history shows people with power abused it alot
b. Pain?: I ignore it - it lets me know I’m alive
c. Love?: I don’t believe in it - had my heart broken
d. Death?: terrible - too many people die around me
e. Science?: evil - I always hated it
f. Stress?: I cut - enough said
g. Leadership?: don’t mind it
h. Government?: hate it - they’re all a bunch of ass kissers
i. People in general? : not really a people person - empathy sucks when around people
11. General Favorites (and why)
a. Book(s): all books by Mercedes Lackey - awesome author, Tolkien - loved his books as a kid, Anne McCaffery - such awesome crystal singer and dragon books. Steven King - gotta love the horror books, Anne Rice - I love her vampire series books.
b. Movie(s): LXG, Helsing, Underworld, X-Men, X2, Sleepwalkers, QotD, Daredevil, Girl Interrupted, Last Unicorn, Legend, Labyrinth, Practical Magic, Lotd - all three movies...and I love them all for taking me to there world for awhile.
c. Music: too many to count... but I love all kinds of music from rap, rock, heavy metal and even opera, Phantom of the Opera to be exact.
d. Historical Period(s): … medieval - just love the whole ‘feel’ of that time period
e. Myth(s): most myths, I just love reading about them
f. Quote(s): “Every guy should have another mans tongue in his mouth atleast once.” Madonna - why not?
12. Would you like to be stamped as a character from the comics, the movie, or both? Both please
13. Anything else? Not unless you count being wiccan as important.
14. Picture(s) of yourself: Do I have to? Neh…
Edit: Forgot the lj cut and then when i went to fix it i realised word messed everything up.. Arrggg.. so yeah i'm a ditz..