Oh heavens! He's harmed a poor policeman!

Oct 05, 2005 00:49

1. Name: Kristi

2. Age: 19

3. Birth date: June 17th

4. Location: Michigan

5. Five Adjectives to Describe Yourself: Absurd, paranoid, courteous, awkward, angry

6. Interests: Literature, keep left signs, bolts, playing the “fall down on the stage” game, Brechting it up, not Oedipusing it up, Jack the Ripper, Maguire, Victoriana, Bill Sikes, The Waste Land, making up songs with bolts, remaking LotR movies (Frodo the pot), Lenin the Lemon, building a time machine, heaps of broken images, cello music, the crazy Hamlet song (“Words, words, CRAB!”), Irving Washington-Washington Irving, Firefly, Lollipop Lust Kill, Holst-Holst-Holst, random references, theatre in general, crew work, clothing stuffs in the way of frock coat/vests/top hats/bowlers, shoring fragments, costume shops, music of many sorts, the d00mtastic house that was stolen, Ra-Ra-Rasputin, haunted mansions (but not that Disney movie, thanksverymuch), storms, having a Holst party, making shit up, books, cardboard Gandalf in the loft, the adventures of Rip Van Winkle, passing through the dusty thoroughfare.

7. Talents: Er, not sure how extreme for any, but I’ll give it a shot. I do write (scripts, poetry, short stories), though I’ve not had a whole lot of time lately. I play instruments (usually French horn, sometimes trumpet, and trombone from time to time) in local bands, small groups, and for my own enjoyment. I sing, again mostly for my own amusement (though in musicals I suppose it helps). Theatre-wise, I do backstage work (set building/running crew) and some acting. Have being moving more and more to backstage, yes.

8. Have you read the comics and/or watched the movies? Aye, volumes one and two and the movie.

9. Have your read any of the books that the characters were taken from (however roughly)? Aye to that, as well. The Strange Case, Invisible Man, Dracula, Dorian Gray, Huck Finn, and others that the not-so-main characters came from (Oliver Twist, etc.).

10. How do you feel about or deal with… (Explain if possible, however shortly)

a. Power?: I do enjoy it to a certain extent, I suppose. Would generally rather be left to my own devices, so I don’t care overly much. I do know for damned sure that I’d rather not be controlled by others; let me do my own thing, and I’ll be quite thrilled. Whoo. So, all in all, I like to have control over my own situation and what I may around me, but not for any huge or vaguely large accumulation of power.

b. Pain?: Generally keep on with whatever I’m doing, ignoring said pain if possible. (Running on sprained ankle is a recipe for fun and much cursing.) It happens to most of us, after all. Can be a right pain in the ass, mind, but eh. Is usually something that can be dealt with. Can be most interesting, as well. (In itself and in its effects.)

c. Love?: Fleeting and often feigned. While it may be nice to have someone to hang onto as such, or to have hang off of you, any such relationship could waste away at any time, leaving the participants all the worse for the wear. There may be some sort of nearly-genuine love for some people; that is assuming that love can be defined as some sort of attraction and devotion, mind. Some romantic side of me wants to say that it’d be nice to find, some sort of comfort, but the realistic in me says that it’s rather silly.

d. Death?: It’s going to come, or rather is always coming. We can’t do much to avoid it, and I don’t know why we really should. There’s not much of worth in life and, for all we know, there could be something far more interesting after life. If there is silence, than such silence will be welcome.

e. Science?: Interesting, though not exactly my preferred field. (Give me some English and history, some theatre, and I’m fairly happy.) I’ve not had a chance for a science class in a while, though I have in the past found some (specifically high school senior year’s Bio 2 class) to be muy bien. On the whole, science can be immensely useful, both in seeking explanations and in discovering more of what we’d not thought on. Brings up more ground to think things over, clashes nicely with other areas, and all in all can bring some fun debates to the foreground. ‘sides, there’s something rather romantic about the idea of the scientist.

f. Stress?: I’m on it, man. I stress out over a good many things. Used to be a bit worse, I think; now I can cut it from time to time in favor of apathy, whoo. But yes, I generally do worry a hell of a lot, and most of the time, over most anything and everything. Generally feel aware of others and potential ill motives and misconstructions, which only serves the worry further.

g. Leadership?: Not big on it. I definitely prefer to work alone; I almost trust myself more, and this route tends to involve less irritation of coordination. I can lead if necessary (and have had to thanks to my new-as-of-this-semester job) and apparently can do so adequately. I’d just rather work alone. As for following, must add that I don’t like that much, either; don’t like anyone to be in control of me, unless it’s necessary for some reason or other.

h. Government?: Yeah, hey. It’s rather fucked over the head, probably always will be. Makes it fun. Don’t want to talk much on this; sitting through fucking Constitution class doesn’t make things any better, ung.

i. People in general?: Fuck ‘em. Up the ass and in about five different, very painful ways. All right, some people aren’t utterly damnable. Seems that everyone has a redeeming quality, or two, or three, if one looks in the correct light. All in all, however, we’re a rather untrustworthy lot, and seem to have problems with screwing one another over. Thus, I’m not so inclined to trust others at all.

11. General Favorites (and why)

a. Book(s): Catch-22, Joseph Heller. Absurdity and dark humor. Love the fact that it jumps around, twists, and all works together. Makes many points well, reads easily and with something of a bite. Excellent characters, excellent lines. // Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens. Give me the bits about the underground of London, thanks; ‘tis what I read it for. I especially like the character of Sikes, with the general crassness, the thievery, and his changes in character. Also love the way that Dickens wrote of the mob, though I loved it in a “I hate you people SO BAD for what you’re doing to Sikes” way. // One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Ken Kesey. Metal hospital. :D I like the sense of disconnection felt through Bromden, as well as the way that the machine and fog world fits in with a more steady one. Twisted in many ways.Character love here, as well. And, yeah, a bunch of crazies; much fun. // Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad. Many, many hearts for Conrad’s descriptions of the mind and descent into madness. The horror, and all of that. Fucking excellent. // The Time Machine, H. G Wells. Chose this because I heart the Time Traveler. And I’m building my own Time Machine? …right. // Germinal, Emile Zola. Revolution of the working class that doesn’t go quite well, hurrah! Zola shows well the problems with human resistence, the flaws of character. Also, Souvarine is an excellent character. Souvarine and his anarchy, yes. // And you know, there are others… I think I’ll stop there, though. Yeah.
[Due to the fact that they included some of the more main characters of League, I did cut several books that I usually list as favorites. SIGH.]

b. Movie(s): A Beautiful Mind; Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels; Cinderella Man; One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest; Road to Perdition; Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead; Snatch; Reservoir Dogs; The Crow; Secret Window; Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde; The Imposters (Where’d the explanations go?!?!? Oh, man, I think you can get the general sense from this, as is. <.<)

c. Music: Since I already took up a fair amount of space with books, I’ll be short with this. Hella lot of music. I’ll listen to most anything. Band/individual singing is fun (Lollipop Lust Kill, Type O Negative, 69 Eyes, David Bowie, Theatre of Tragedy, and so on). Classical/general band and ensemble is nice (give me some Holst, Berstein, Grainger, etc.). Music from scores is rockin’ (Beautiful Mind, Road to Perdition, Sixth Sense…). Showtunes (Jekyll & Hyde, Oliver!, Notre Dame de Paris…). And… other things. There you are.

d. Historical Period(s): 1800s for anywhere, really, though especially in Europe and America. The thirties in the U.S. Bolshevik rule in Russia. Egyptian Empire (all parts, aye). They each have their own special sort of romanticism, non?

e. Myth(s): Mmm… Pretty much any from the Egyptian Empire, particularly anything related to Anubis or the story of Sekhmet and the destruction of humankind. Rather enjoy the story of Persephone and Hades… Shit, most any myth has some sort of appeal.

f. Quote(s): I'll be good and limit myself. I swear.

"It seems to me I am trying to tell you a dream--making a vain attempt, because no relation of a dream can convey the dream-sensation, that commingling of absurdity, surprise, and bewilderment in a tremor of struggling revolt, that notion of being captured by the incredible which is of the very essence of dreams.... No, it is impossible; it is impossible to convey the life-sensation of any given epoch of one's existence--that which makes its truth, its meaning--its subtle and penetrating essence."
-Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness-

"All gods are homemade, and it is we who pull their strings, and so, give them the power to pull ours."
-Aldous Huxley-

"...rationality of thought imposes a limit on a person's concept of his relation to the cosmos."
-John Nash-

"Humankind cannot bear very much reality.”
-T.S. Eliot-

"If you are possessed by an idea, you find it expressed everywhere, you even smell it."
-Thomas Mann-

12. Would you like to be stamped as a character from the comics, the movie, or both? Both would be rockin’. :D

13. Anything else?: Oh, you know. “Ra-Ra-Rasputin!” If you’re feeling really special, check out a mad, er, “drawing” featuring Oedipus, here. Because he loves Jocasta you.

14. Picture(s) of yourself

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