Newbie - please rate me!

Dec 04, 2005 20:40

1. Name: Laura
2. Age: 21
3. Birth date: 23/09/84
4. Location: UK
5. Five Adjectives to Describe Yourself: Shy, loyal, trustworthy, honest, quiet
6. Interests: Writing, music, computers, theatre
7. Talents: Writing
8. Have you read the comics and/or watched the movies? I've seen the movie and read the first book of comics.
9. Have your read any of the books that the characters were taken from (however roughly)? I've read Dracula, Jekyll and Hyde and Picture of Dorian Gray
10. How do you feel about or deal with… (Explain if possible, however shortly)
a. Power?: I try to shy away from it, it sometimes goes to my head but where ever possible I prefer to be in background; let life pass me by somewhat.
b. Pain?: Now that is something I've had alot of, I seldom cause it but I have done in the past.
c. Love?: I would go to the ends of the earth for the person I love and when I love I do so wholeheartedly, to a fault sometimes.
d. Death?: Is not the end, I believe in another life afterwards but what I couldn't say, there has to be something...
e. Science?: I prefer spirituality to science, there are things that it cannot explain but I do believe in it and believe it can further our society.
f. Stress?: I suffer alot from stress and use writing to deal with it, it is a great escape. I tend, however, to keep my emotions veiled whereever possible and try not to let things get out of hand.
g. Leadership?: I try to stay away from it, blend into the background, I was never born a leader.
h. Government?: Has to be good for something right?! *snide laugh* I'm not sure what though...
i. People in general?: I find it hard to trust people and tend to spend alot of time on my own, however people often come to me for advice I give freely. I find it hard to make friends and for most part am a loner.
11. General Favorites (and why)
a. Book(s): Jekyll and Hyde - Robert Lewis Stevenson (sums me to a tee!), Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte(a fantastic gothic lovestory), Candlemoth - Roger Jon Ellory (very well written, so emotional)
b. Movie(s): Face/Off (Fantastic action, great one liners, great acting), Dangerous Liaisons (John Malkovich - 'nuff said!)
c. Music: Oysterband (I love them to bits!), Metallica (great for rocking out to), Taboo (Boy George is a god!)
d. Historical Period(s): Industrial Revolution (striving and finally getting something better for the world)
e. Myth(s): Erm...
f. Quote(s): "Don't be afraid to be different" - Coal Chamber.
12. Would you like to be stamped as a character from the comics, the movie, or both? Both please
13. Anything else?
14. Picture(s) of yourself :
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