Do you consider me a part of your "menagerie"?

May 19, 2006 18:33

1. Name: Jen
2. Age: 16
3. Birth date: 9-19-89
4. Location: Michgan, USA
5. Five Adjectives to Describe Yourself: Mysterious, Random, Loyal, Knowledgeble, Thinker
6. Interests: Reading, writing, watching movies, playing video games.
7. Talents: Singing, writing, role-playing.
8. Have you read the comics and/or watched the movies?: I've watched the movie. I read over the first volume of the comic - I was buying it for a friend.
9. Have your read any of the books that the characters were taken from (however roughly)?: Unfortunately, no. I wish I had. Though, no, I read the Wishbone version of Jekyll and Hyde.
10. How do you feel about or deal with… (Explain if possible, however shortly)
a. Power?: Ouch. Me in power? I'm a bitch.
b. Pain?: Not to sound like an emo-kid, but I try to ignore it. I feel it, but I don't show it too often.
c. Love?: ...That was not a good time for me.
d. Death?: Just another part of life.
e. Science?: It helps to explain our world.
f. Stress?: Badly. I go insane.
g. Leadership?: I break down in such a role, but I eventually get what needs to be done, done.
h. Government?: It's screwed up. But it's better than it could be.
i. People in general?: Not well, I'm afraid. I'm a bit of a loner.
11. General Favorites (and why)
a. Book(s): A Wizard Alone by Diane Duane. A young boy with a disibility, smarter than he lets on... I know what that's like.
b. Movie(s): Howl's Moving Castle. I just like to look at it.
c. Music: Anything and everything. Except rap.
d. Historical Period(s): The Greco-Roman period. It's got such life, and passion.
e. Myth(s): Definately the Valkyries. Graceful battle-women. Like me, or at least what I want to be like.
f. Quote(s): Hmmm... "Live for today, because tomorrow may never come." I don't remember where that's from.
12. Would you like to be stamped as a character from the comics, the movie, or both?: Movie, preferably, if you will.
13. Anything else?: That's about it.
14. Picture(s) of yourself:

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