1. Name: Whatever you want to call me.
2. Age: Old enough, by LJ standards.
3. Birth date: October 3rd
4. Location: Florida (TOO. HOT.)
5. Five Adjectives to Describe Yourself: Weird, Loud, "Special", Unique, Odd
6. Interests: Music, Computers, Biology Class(Yay for disecting random animals!), The Internet, Pretty much anything to do with art and science, really.
7. Talents: Music. I play the piano and the violin and I'm in the state wide honors chorus. Yay, me!
8. Have you read the comics and/or watched the movies? Yep. Have one comic, have the movie, love 'em both.
9. Have your read any of the books that the characters were taken from (however roughly)? Yes. I've read Dracula, The Invisible Man, and The Portrait of Dorian Grey. All exellent books. :)
10. How do you feel about or deal with… (Explain if possible, however shortly)
a. Power?: Exellent, but often misused.
b. Pain?: Sucks, but it's gonna happen.
c. Love?: Not real.
d. Death?: Everyone's gonna die eventually, so it doesn't really bother me. (I cut, so obviously I have no real problem with this.)
e. Science?: Rocks. Best thing ever.
f. Stress?: Sucks, because under the right amount of stress, people crack. It's funny at first, and then they go all psycho on ya.
g. Leadership?: Leaders usually try to control the group without thinking about the fact that everyone is an individual, and they seem to miss alot of the points, so I don't really like it. Plus, it gets boring.
h. Government?: No. The goverment should be disected while still alive, and have the parts shoved into a tiny box, which is then crushed by pressure, and demoilished by a huge raging elephant. Why not make it fun? Make the elephant pick up the box, throw it in the air, play with it for a little while, and then step on it.
i. People in general?: Meh.
11. General Favorites (and why)
a. Book(s): Manga, because I can somewhat relate to the plots and the pictures are cool. Plus, after reading all that small print, manga is nice.
b. Movie(s): V for Vendetta. It's nice and liberating, and it destroys the goverment. Gotta love stuff that destroys the goverment.
c. Music: Anything but hip-hop. I hate the living hell out of hip-hop. I like techno the most, because it just sounds so kickass. :)
d. Historical Period(s): Whenever the Moulin Rouge was still around. That place is friggin' awesome.
e. Myth(s): All of them. Mystery is fun.
f. Quote(s): "What the hell do you think you're doing, kid?" My 3rd grade teacher, after I put a firecracker in the frog cage. Hee hee.
12. Would you like to be stamped as a character from the comics, the movie, or both? Don't care, but the comic would be my ideal.
13. Anything else? Not really.
14. Picture(s) of yourself: Don't have any, but I can describe myself. Really short hair for a girl, glasses, braces, tall, and I usually wear dresses or t-shirts and skirts, with the occasional long pants.