I have been so busy it defies description. Work has been insane, Home has been insane, and everything in between has been insane. It is, however, all good. :)
A couple of weekends ago we built our deck.
View from side yard
View from back door
Shadowy shot toward the shed
This weekend's project for me will be to add a walkway in front of the shed and build a small deck under the overhang on the shed. I cannot wait. It brings me that much closer to my ultimate backyard oasis. :D Once it is built I can concentrate on the landscape again. I loves me some spring!
Monday I have an appointment with a TMD clinic in Portland to get my bite splint fitted. I had gone back to my orthodontist in November complaining of popping and pain in the joints again, and decided that this time around I would consider surgery if it would actually help. Since I was doing so, I brought it up with my regular doctor, who wanted to refer me to an ENT. Basically, in talking to my regular doctor, it came out that I am essentially exhausted all the time, tired during the day, etc. with no other physical reasons to be that way. He asked me about my sleep habits, and when I told him I was a snorer and I found myself waking up for no apparent reason several times a night, he decided I needed a sleep study done to rule out Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Long story short, I will have the sleep clinic, and orthodontist, my doctor, the TMJ clinic and eventually an ENT and Oral Surgeon all comparing notes regarding the status of my airway and my wonky noggin. I'm not even scared of the notion of a LeFortII and saggital split osteotomy any more, I am more interested in the concept that maybe I am not a crazy, ADD crabby biznatch from hell after all. I just might not have had enough sleep for the last 20 years! LOL The sleep study should happen within the next month. In the meantime, I hope the splint helps because I really hurt myself trying to eat a raw carrot a couple of weeks ago. This getting older crap is definitely proving its suckage.