I Never Stayed Up 'Til Six Before (Stream of Conciousness)

Sep 05, 2005 05:57

I've never stayed up 'til six before
But I've watched the sun rise three mornings in a row
Because of you
You and everything you are
Random chance, simple fate
It's too profound to think about
Or do anything but accept it
I've wished so hard and so long
And it was always just a little out of reach
And now there are no "no"s, there are no "why?"s
Just a time in the quiet and the dark
To feel your shoulders against my chest
To watch your face as you rest
To touch your lips and kiss them quietly
To see the sun rise in your eyes
And whisper, softly, "je t'aime" to your ear
And feel like I mean it this time.

-6:02 AM, 9-5-05
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