So, ok I don't ever do Doctor Who reviews but I thought with this episode I would make an exception!
I better put this under a cut!
"Hello Dad"
SUCH an oh so perfect line for Georgia Moffett, the daughter of Peter Davidson off screen and David Tennant on screen!
Has anyone noticed the Doctor's over use of the the word 'Well' this series?
He uses it before Jenny is identified and he uses it LOADS on previous episodes...
Ok, to the Hath. I think Martha gives us a very human outlook on these creatures. She describes them as half fish, half human, instead of just alien. I quite liked that.
Back to that later!
"I'm Doctor Martha Jones, who the hell are you?"
Did you all notice the bit when Donna referred to Nerris when she was speaking to the Doctor?
"Rubbish, my friend Nerris fathered twins using a turkey baster!"
Nerris, the same friend she accused of her wedding disappearance in the Runaway Bride!
Let's have a Nerris appearance!
Can I also question something at this moment. You know the reproducing machine? Was it invented by Hath or by Human? Because if it only gives you knowledge of how to fight and die I damn sure hope it wasn't human.
OH and also, doesn't the guy coming out of the machine at that moment look like Allan Cummings?! Haha!
Donna [to Jenny] - "You're not exactly real."
Ah so we see that despite Donna being the voice of reason for some part, she doubts Jenny vaguely like the Doctor does at the begining.
Ok, parts about genocide where the Doctor has gone wrong. Ok we all know that he gave his enemies a choice but we'll push that aside for two minutes.
General - " will give us the power to erase every stinking Hath off the face of this planet."
Oh but then the Doctor of course disagrees, but haven't we heard him say something rather similar? Something about wiping "every last STINKING Dalek out of the sky!" in Bad Wolf?
Hmmm... I'm afraid the dialogue is a bit too similar for my liking! haha
Ok and the other obvious bit...
"Look up Genocide, you'll see a little picture of me there..."
Yeah but it won't say over my dead body, you fought on the front line in the Time War yes? You've threatened to wipe out all the Daleks, blow up the Sontarans, kill the list goes on. But then again, they've all had the choice I guess!
So right now I'm still swaying on what to think about all this Genocide malarkly!
Doctor - "I'm trying to stop the fighting"
Jenny - "Isn't every Soldier"
Good point Jen. Good point, and the Doctor is speechless.
Then there is the two hearts bit which was SUCH a powerful scene, brought me to tears with "This is Gallifrey" playing in the background when the Doctor spoke about the planet and the Timelords.
-Tennant acts his ass off-
Martha/Hath. This is such a brilliant friendship in the story. It's lovely that even though they can't really communicate brilliantly, there really is a bond there. When it gives it's life for her I couldn't stop crying! Martha's reaction and emotion here is just amazing. Top marks Freema!
I think it's obvious that Martha does enjoy travelling with the Doctor, but I think this experience reminds her of why she left in the first place. She has bigger (but techinically smaller) fish to fry!
Ok, then we have the moment where Jenny and the Doctor have their moment...
"Killing, after a while it infects you..."
"But we don't have a choice"
"We always have a choice"
OH yeah and she doesn't kill them! Jenny NEVER WOULD!
Jenny backflipping through the laserbeams was also very VERY cool!
Then the Doctor Jenny bond.
"Not impossible, just a bit unlikely!"
General - "One of us is gonna die today and it won't be me!"
Nah dick'ed, the Doctor NEVER WOULD mate!
Ooh then Donna becomes the true voice of reason, talking father stuff with the Doctor. But his talk about pain filling the whole of being a father was pretty emotional stuff!
Donna - "I think you're wrong"
Ah she's well as her Supertemp date shizz, I love Donna in this episode! Is there anything she can't do?!
Then the death of Jenny. Powerful stuff eh? Another 'Timelord' dying in his arms. You just want him to say "Regenerate, just regenerate!" like before.
I don't understand how Martha knows she won't regenerate but oh well!
Not too dissimilar no?
So there we go, I'm done!
I'm not really sure what to say about Jenny coming back to life.
"Hello Boys!"
Will we see her again? Will the Doctor ever see her again? I just don't know!
OH AND ALSO...isn't this a very nice pic of Joe Dempsie and the Hath together!?
Haha it made me smile :)
Next week! "The unicorn and the wasp"
I think the giant alien wasp and Agatha Christie is a strange combo! Plus, will Donna's talk of bees have anything to do with this story!?
Thanks for reading my crap overlook!