take me to the river.

Apr 14, 2005 20:49

This is MOLLY. I just re-did Kendra's BEAUTIFUL live journal. (i used some of the html left here before, courtesy of katie de hair us)

I'm gunna post a whole bunch of picutres of eveyrbody (from this school year) now for kendra. But most of them are of kendra anyways so thats why i'm updating them here and not in my live journal.

sorry this ones not center

sorry kendra i had to post it.

kelly and olivia


the infamous picture that you guys dont like but i love it :)

Olivia's emoxcore picture with the printer and the math textbook in the background


Us posing in front of the Birnbaum whiteboard.

the infamous in n'out picture. its everywhere.

Bye Bye Birdie Rehearsal


Molly's birthday

Kendra looking drugged but still somewhat elegant with her beautiful green dress.


Me and Olivia sharing a jacket. HAH

and last but not least...

Nostalgia! I know the years not over yet, but i love you guys still. This years been really really good, thanks to all of you guys. AHH sappy!. haha. okay ill go.

I LOVE YOU!!! <3
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