I am still here, yes

Mar 06, 2017 21:47

PublicI just haven't had a lot of time to write here. Suffice it to say that I still hold much the same views about Trump, Corbyn, etc that I did last time. We have had a bit of interest with the Northern Ireland Assembly elections, which have seen the DUP do badly. (Good.) It's still a thousand miles from being a normal western democracy, though ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

xolo March 7 2017, 00:35:05 UTC
I'm, most pleased to see you post - I was afraid you'd given up.


loganberrybunny March 8 2017, 02:23:56 UTC
Thanks! Nah, I don't think I'll ever entirely give up on LJ. It's the only place I can ramble on pointlessly for ages, apart from my other blog. And on that one, people get irritated if most of the content isn't about ponies. =:P


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