Not one of my better efforts, I'm afraid.
Christian watches Thomas reading.
Christian finds himself studying Thomas. Thomas is, of course, completely unaware. He's draped across one of the larger chairs in the library, in a position that looks as if it should be extremely uncomfortable. Christian wonders if Thomas loses control of his limbs when he reads. Christian doesn't understand it. When Christian reads, or does most anything for that matter, he is carefully controlled. Thomas seems lost in his book. Christian can't tell what it is he's reading- the title is in shadow- but it's bound in green leather, which complements Thomas' eyes. He can't actually see Thomas' eyes at the moment, bent as they are on the text he holds. His idle thought leads him to a closer examination of Thomas' face. Half of it is covered in the same shadow that obscures the book's title, but Christian knows it well enough. Thomas has no real distinguishing features, his nose is slighty crooked, and his hair cut a bit too short. Certainly not a face to dream about or dwell on, not like Avery's. Thomas is just short of being handsome, all in all, a fairly ordinary face. Yet, for some reason, he holds Christian's interest.