This is wonderfully geeky -- hoping I can get
jagienka to do it...
BOWING - Simple Bow
[x] At the name of Jesus
[x] Toward the processional/recessional cross
[x] Toward the Gospel book during the processional
[ ] When saying, "And also with you"
[ ] Toward the priest during the pro/recessional
[x] At the Gloria Patri (actually, this is a profound bow through the invocation of the Trinity, then you stand upright -- CT)
[ ] Why the heck should I bow?
BOWING - Profound Bow or Genuflection
[x] When entering/leaving a pew (if Sacrament is NOT reserved) (actually, it should be to the altar cross if the Blessed Sacrament is not reserved, to the tabernacle if it is -- CT)
[x] When approaching or leaving the altar
[x] During the Nicene Creed at the Incarnatus: From "he became incarnate from the Virgin Mary, and was made man" through "he suffered death and was buried."
[x] At the Sanctus: "Holy, holy, holy..."
[ ] At the words of institution (I kneel for the whole Eucharistic prayer if I'm not celebrant -- CT)
[x] After the words of institution (if I'm celebrant, I genuflect, elevate the host or chalice, then genuflect again; if I'm not celebrant, I cross myself at the elevation while kneeling -- no bows -- CT)
[ ] Again, why the heck should I bow or genuflect, huh?
[ ] Up, down, left, right (RC)
[x] Up, down, left, right, heart (Anglican)
[ ] Up, down, right, left, heart (Orthodox)
[ ] At every mention of "Father, Son and Holy Spirit" (or similar form)
[x] At the end of the Gloria: "You alone are the most high - Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the +Glory of God the Father."
[x] When using Holy Water, entering and leaving the church
[ ] At the opening of the liturgy
[ ] At the Gospel Proclamation - Regular way (sic! -- CT)
[x] At the Gospel Proclamation - Forehead, Heart, Mouth (forehead, lips, heart -- CT)
[x] At the final clause of the Nicene Creed: "we look for the +resurrection of the dead..." (should be "+ and the life of the world to come." -- CT)
[x] During prayers for the departed (if "Rest eternal grant to them..." or similar is used)
[x] At the absolution after confession
[x] At the Sanctus: "Blessed is he who comes in the Name of the Lord."
[x] During the Words of Institution (at the elevation, if I'm not celebrant -- CT)
[x] When the celebrant says, "sanctify us also..." (that is, at the epiclesis -- CT)
[ ] Before receiving Holy Communion
[x] After receiving Holy Communion
[x] At the blessing/dismissal
[ ] At the Lord's Prayer: "and deliver us from evil."
[ ] When passing by a church whilst on the street
[x] At the beginning of the Magnificat, Benedictus, or Nunc Dimittis
[ ] I don't do the sign of the cross because my sign is listed in the horoscope.
[x] Before the service begins
[x] During the Penitential Order during Lent
[x] At the confession of sin
[ ] During the prayers of the people
[x] During the Eucharistic prayer
[x] While receiving Holy Communion
[x] The post-Communion prayer and blessing (usually only my silent prayer of thanksgiving -- I only kneel longer if the whole congregation does -- CT)
[ ] I don't kneel, my knees hurt.
[ ] Our church does not have kneelers of any sort
[ ] The Peace - Important (but I like to to be very brief)
[x] The Peace - Enjoyable, prolonged and barely controlled chaos (yay hugs! -- CT)
[ ] The Peace - Awkward and irritating
[ ] Um, yeah, excuse me, but I don't know you.
[ ] Get away from me you pervert!
[ ] Roll eyes during a dumb sermon
[x] Smile politely during a dumb sermon
[ ] Applaud, hoot, or holler at a good point during a sermon
[x] read the bulletin or Prayer Book during a dumb sermon
[x] Give an "Amen" during a sermon
[ ] Take down notes during a good sermon
[x] Fall asleep during the sermon (yes, I have been known to do it -- CT)
[x] Intinction (if I have to -- CT)
[x] Sipping or wetting lips from chalice
[ ] Handing over host to be intincted by chalice bearer or acolyte
[x] have priest put host on tongue (only if it won't draw a puzzled reaction from the server/priest -- CT)
[ ] Individual 'shot glasses' of wine
[ ] "Ewwww, nasties!"
[ ] Ignore the priest after the service
[x] Shake the priest's hand after the service
[x] Hug the priest after the service
[ ] Give the priest a kiss on the cheek after the service
[ ] *speaks in a sultry voice* "Hey pops, wanna listen to my confession? I'm all alone at home this evening."
[x] Traditional music
[x] Contemporary music (I definitely prefer Gregorian chant or traditional hymns, but I don't mind some contemporary stuff -- CT)
[ ] Have the cantor and choir shut up NOW.
[x] King James Version
[ ] Bishop's Bible
[x] Coverdale Bible (for the Psalms only, the Coverdale is the definitive English translation -- CT)
[ ] Revised Standard Version
[x] New Revised Standard Version (liturgical readings and study)
[ ] New International Version
[ ] Message Bible (for the occasional laugh)
[ ] Comic books and mags are my Bible
[x] Coffee hour = heaven (though the coffee itself is often dire)
[ ] Coffee hour = hell
[ ] Coffee hour = necessary evil
[ ] Coffee hour = near occasion of sin
[ ] I'd rather cozy up at Bucky's with the rector or vicar
[ ] Kissing episcopal rings
[x] Just shaking bishop's hand
[ ] seldom if ever visits
[ ] Casual at church
[x] Semi-formal at church
[x] Formal at church (cassock {and biretta or zuchetto}) (actually, I don't own a biretta, but the cassock comes out for formal occasions -- CT)
[ ] G-string and body fur
[x] Prefer incense
[ ] Incense = can't breathe
[ ] Incense = major headache
[x] Light candles (including consecration candle, all according to Fortescue! -- CT)
[ ] I don't trust myself; I'll burn the church down.
[ ] "It is right to give him thanks and praise."
[x] "It is right to give our thanks and praise."
[ ] "It is right to give God thanks and praise."
[ ] "It is right to offer thanks and praise."
[x] Ah, screw it. "It is meet and right so to do."
[X] "Our Father, who art in heaven."
[x] "Our Father in heaven."
[x] "Our Abba in heaven."
[x] "Our Mother in heaven."
[ ] "Yo pops, with yer bling-bling."
[x] Solitary worship
[x] Small parish
[ ] Medium parish
[ ] Large parish
[x] Cathedral
[ ] Mission/chaplaincy
[ ] Megachurch
[x] Anywhere "as long as the word is rightly preached, and the sacraments faithfully administered"
[ ] Can't be arsed to go to church
[x] Use the Dominican rosary (except the Dominic thing is probably ahistorical -- CT)
[ ] Use the Anglican rosary
[ ] Use an Orthodox prayer rope
[ ] Use a Franciscan Crown, the seven-decade Dominican rosary
[ ] Use Sacrifice Beads
[ ] Use Prayer stones
[ ] I use the rosaries/prayer beads for other means (i.e. strangulating people)
[x] Venerate icons
[ ] Iconoclastic tendencies (or maybe I'm just not a visual or touch-y person)
[x] Saying the filioque clause during the Nicene Creed
[x] Whispering "My Lord and My God" at the elevation of the consecrated elements
[x] Extending your arms when saying, "And also with you"
[ ] Strike breast during Lord's Prayer: "Forgive us our sins..."
[x] Strike breast at any petition for forgiveness and pardon (Rite I: "although we are unworthy, through our manifold sins...") (preferably the old Confiteor, with "through my fault, through my own fault, through my own most grievous fault" -- CT)
[x] Strike breast when saying "Lord, I am not worthy to receive You..." (three times, not once! -- CT)
[x] Slap yourself in dismay when the priest says something stupid
[ ] Trip someone in the procession and pretend you didn't do it.
[x] Transubstantiational Eucharist
[ ] Consubstantiational Eucharist
[x] Holy Mystery Eucharist (St. John Vianney: 'If we really knew what happens in the [Holy Mysteries], we would die, not of fear, but of love.'
[ ] Symbolic/Remembrance Eucharist
[ ] Cookies 'n juice time!
[ ] "Ooooh, refreshments!"
[ ] 2 Sacraments
[x] 7 Sacraments
[ ] 8 Sacraments
[ ] 2 Sacraments and 5 Sacramental Rites
[ ] Coffee hour
[ ] I don't call them sacraments; I call them ordinances!
[ ] The number is undefined
[ ] Catholic
[ ] Protestant
[x] Both
[ ] Neither
[ ] Reformed (I added this one)
[x] High Church/Anglo-Catholic/Anglo-Orthodox
[ ] Broad Church
[ ] Low Church
[ ] Charismatic
[ ] Evangelical
[ ] Restorationist, as to restoring the pre-Reformation Catholic traditions of Anglicanism
[x] Affirming/Accepting
[ ] Welcoming, but seeking to preach the truth with love
[x] Progressive
[ ] Conservative
[ ] Post-modern
[ ] Liberal
[x] Moderate
[x] Traditional, theologically speaking
[ ] Calvinist
[ ] Arminian
[x] Neither position
[ ] I don't care.
[ ] Creator, Redeemer, Sanctifer
[x] Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (I see the gender issues, but the first option is modalism and the others don't have any kind of real theology developed behind them, and also bleed over into modalism -- CT)
[ ] Source, Saviour, and Procession
[ ] Earth-maker, Pain-bearer, Life-giver
[ ] Buddha, Dharma, Sangha
[/] The Blessed Virgin was immaculately conceived (I honestly dunno, and think it's an adiaphoron -- CT)
[x] The Blessed Virgin was assumed into heaven
[ ] The Blessed Virgin "fell asleep"
[ ] The Blessed Virgin was prepared during her life with special grace to be pure and holy for the birth to Jesus
[/] The Blessed Virgin is ever-virgin (lots of feminist reasons to not believe this, lots of traditional Catholic reasons to believe it -- I dunno -- CT)
[ ] Good ole Mary and Joe had a bucket of kiddies
[ ] The Blessed Virgin is present in the Eucharist because by the power of the Holy Spirit her Son took our flesh from the Blessed Mother, and because his Body and Blood is present in the Bread and Cup, she is present in a special but not real way
[ ] The Blessed Virgin is co-redemptrix with her Son
[ ] The Blessed Virgin fell asleep, was buried, and three days later was resurrected and taken bodily to heaven, a foretaste of what will be for all who are in Christ.
[ ] meh. undecided.
[ ] Roman Catholics
[ ] Eastern Orthodox
[ ] Protestants
[x] Anyone with an AK-47 (ultimately I'm looking to unity of the church, don't want anyone to win fights! -- CT)
[] Pirates
[ ] Ninjas
[ ] Robots
[x] liturgists (you know the joke -- the difference between a liturgist and a terrorist is that you can negotiate with terrorists -- CT)
[x] Church cats
[ ] Church guard dogs
[ ] Church mice
[ ] Dinosaurs
[ ] Spongebob Squarepants
[ ] Barney
[ ] Hello Kitty
[ ] Satan himself
[x] Vergers
[x] Acolytes
[ ] Chalice Bearers
[x] Altar guild
[ ] Ushers
[x] Crucifers
[x] Thurifers (yes!!! -- ct)
[x] Torchbearers
[ ] St. Matthew the Evangelist
[x] St. Mark the Evangelist
[x] St. Luke the Evangelist
[ ] St. John the Evangelist
[x] St. Peter
[x] St. Paul
[ ] Adam
[x] Eve (she got a bum rap, yo -- CT)