Also Lohen has a new temporary hair color.
"... What."
Loh is hiding it under a hat.
*Alinor facepalms.*
"It's only temporary!"
"Your hair smells scientific."
"It smells like extract of Talandra's Rose you mean." Lohendrin is also not taking off that hat. Nuh huh.
Alinor tries to be sneaky about removing it.
Lohendrin steps away at the last moment, just before she gets it off
"I'd like to see you keep that hat on when we're doing science."
"... fine." Takes it off. All that once gloriously dark hair with its lovely bluish highlights is turned strawberry blonde.
*Alinor tries her best to not laugh.*
Lohendrin glares. Grr.
It's kind of a funny effect. One eye is twitching slightly, her lips are compressed, and she's tapping her foot rapidly. Trying her damnedest to not laugh.
"That's it, I'm getting it dyed, even if the goblins do charge an arm and a left lung."
"Probably good, because if I saw you naked with that hair I might not be able to keep from laughing at the contrast between that color on your head and black down below."
"You are so cruel."
"Yet you proposed anyway."
"I did. They tried to warn me women will cut you, but nope, I proposed anyway."
"If it makes you feel better, I'd love you even if your hair were plaid."
Loh puts the hat back on. "But you'd probably die laughing if it were." Marches out to head for the nearest barber shop.