Halloween at Fo-Real's house was awesome!!!! the pics aren't resized because I’m lazy, so deal with it. well it was a blast someday I’ll actually start updating this on some sort of regular basis... but for now this is the best i can do
size was very drunk
me and size
my spoon is too big... my spoon is too big..." "i am a banana" haha size and jon are the best"
thug banana what what!??!?!
me and jon
mikey made a sexy chick fo sho
me and nina
me and size
me and kourt
me, size and dana
dana biting cuch's tits
"my spoon is too big"
me size and lindz
mallet and sam
murphy is the man
he was out of control... and he held in going to the bathroom for hours because of that costume
i'm a ninja turtle... HOLLA!!!