I've been borrowing Stargate SG-1 from the library, and have finally finished season 4, 5, and most of 6. Watching the last disk of season 6 as I type. I have some thoughts.
First? The last few episodes of season 4 just... could not hold my attention. LIke, at all. I watched the finale twice, but my mind just wandered constantly. I can't even say whether or not it was because it was badly written because I just couldn't concentrate on it. I'd catch myself thinking, "wait, they'e blowing up a mothership? A star? What?"
The beginning of season 5 didn't fair much better. I've liked season 6 much better. And I like Jonas Quinn, but I am sure that he didn't get a fair chance because he had the audacity (at least in some fan's eyes) to replace Daniel. But I like him. i also really enjoy his scenes with Teal'c.
Speaking of Teal'c... that scene on board the Prometheus when he and Jonas were eating the ice cream and Jack tried to take some of Teal'c's? hahahahaha. That bit was great.
And speaking of the Prometheus... what the hell? First the x-301 was made of salvaged death gliders... the x-302 was of a similar scale, and then the x-303 is now a huge freakin' space ship? I was confused.
Season 6 must be a HUGE season for Jack/Sam shippers... between Jack getting stranded with Maybourne and Sam crying to Metamorphosis with Jack telling Carter to rest (And her saying "Okay" and putting her head down on *his* shoulder) and Jack insisting that they take him instead of Sam... of course I had to find post ep fic for that one.
I'm watching the Changeling right now, it's interesting. I'm sure it inspired a shitload of AU fics with the firehouse crew.
Spoilers ahead for the finale of Flashpoint
I know there's more I need to say and definitely more I want to say about Flashpoint, but I'm not feeling up to typing a ton right now. I jammed my right ring finger at work and broke the nail about the third of the way in, and the nail wouldn't stay down, so I had to take it off... typing with that shit hurts. So does trying to not use your right hand in an effort to save the nail when you're *very* right hand dominate. Felt like a monkey trying to manipulate tools.
Oh, speaking of Flashpoint... David Paetkau was on Stargate... and I think Flashpoint did his acting a lot of good. He wasn't... horrible? I did watch like two minutes of him on an episode of Crow: Stairway to heaven, and he was just.... so bad. I couldn't finish it. He's not a bad actor now, in fact the last few seasons of Flashpoint and Goon he's been really pretty good, I think.
Also? There is a remixed 3 minute version of the Flashpoint theme on both itunes and amazon. I have listened to it like a hundred times and obviously have a new ring tone.
Okay, so getting used to annoying finger and feeling chatty... Flashpoint season 5 will definitely not go down as my favorite. There were lots of moments I liked, but as a whole? No. I've read an opinion to the contrary, but I really loved the big Ed episode. It was very hard to watch because I just wasn't comfortable seeing Ed fall apart but trying to act like everything was fine. But I thought it was really good. It is not one I will watch often, just like One Wrong Move, Day Game, and certain parts of Keep the Peace.
All of you know I'm a huge Greg fan so you know what I'm talking about when I mention Keep the Peace. I really could have done without seeing Greg with blood coming out of his mouth. I am surprised I didn't start sobbing at that, but I didn't. I was clutching a pillow and tearing up and muttering "nononononono," but I didn't cry. I am not happy Donna died. But I'm pretty much okay with the end. I haven't really heard much from anyone about the end, except some Jammy "OMG BAAAABBBYYYYYYYY!!!!! Wedding!!!!" And I feel like a horrible person because their squee irks me. How horrible of a person am I that when they faked out Sam possibly being dead I snickered and kinda hoped he was dead. I just got sick this season of going on Tumblr to find gifs and seeing constant whining about the lack of Jam. There wasn't a ton of Greg in the beginning of the season but I wasn't whining about it. There also seemed to be some complaints about how Leah was back and that took time away from Jam, and I thought that was sad. I really liked Leah this season, even more than when she was on before. I just... it's a show with a fairly big cast and really not a 'shippy show, and isn't that what fic is for?
I don't know, I spent most of season 5 thinking it was time for Flashpoint to end, but now that it's over I am sad an I want more!