Player Name: Gem
Player LJ:
iceandlimeEmail and/or AIM: EMAIL iceandlime at gmail dot com AIM sittininarainbow
Timezone: GMT/BST
Other Characters: None
Character: Lois Habiba
Series/Fandom: Torchwood
Deviance: 1
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Canon Used: Torchwood: Children of Earth and the relative universes around it. Such as knowledge of the recent Dalek invasion and the fact the Earth moved.
Appearance: Psychology:As one of four children Lois learned that shouting to get heard often did no good; so instead of being loud like most of her family she learned to watch and listen and take in information that way. This practise served her well as she grew up, and it still does now as an adult. She has quite an analytical mind and as thus can be very good at taking in information and absorbing it, qualities which work to her advantage in her profession as a PA.
Her quiet nature is often mistaken for shyness and so it often comes as quite a surprise to others when her curiosity and inquisitiveness comes to the fore. She likes to understand things and know more about them even when they don't concern her and at times can be something of a natural gossip, frequently spending hours on the phone to her friends, nattering away about anything and everything. Despite that though she's incredibly loyal and would never betray a friend or a secret without very good reason.
Amongst her friends Lois is often the one who people come to to offload their problems. A natural listener rather than a talker. She's warm and caring and is always willing to put herself on the line to help those she cares for. On the occasions when she does get chatty she tends to go completely in the opposite direction and talks a lot, to the point where she can often be construed as being a little ditzy or dim witted, but the truth is she's anything but, she just sometimes forgets to think before she speaks. Outwardly, she can often seem meek and unassuming, not someone that one should ever need to keep an eye on or have caution around.
Lois doesn't always have the confidence in herself she perhaps deserves, especially in work situations. Instead she worries and shies away to the background and tries not to be too noticed. She often feels like she's in over her head, even when she's in situations that she has more than adequate experience of. Often devaluing her own abilities she frequently finds herself apologising, even when she has nothing to apologise for. She's used to doing as she's told and usually does so without question, avoiding putting herself in the line of fire. However, if she believes something is wrong she will speak up about it, even if that might get her into trouble. She's not happy to just let things go by without comment, especially if she feels there's a problem that needs adressing. An attitude that in many ways seems to go against what people percieve her personality to be.
Relationship wise Lois has the habit of falling for people far too easily; something that's got her burned in situations in the past. She's a romantic at heart and she likes to imagine that one day she might settle down with the right man and have a family, but it's something that she largely pushes from her mind as she doesn't see herself achieving it for a long time, if at all.
When she encountered Torchwood, Lois found herself questioning many of her own beliefs. Usually very trustworthy she found herself feeling lost, unsure and a more than a little scared, especially at the thought of betraying her superiors and government. She delved into herself and found a courage she didn't know she posessed. She used her usual qualities and the way people usually percieve her to her advantage though and managed to easily go under the radar when infiltrating. All through the encounter with the aliens she was quietly horrified at how detached from the humanity of it everyone seemed to be and not once since it happened has she managed to go to sleep without crying.
But still, being one to think more about others than about herself, she has a fierce determination not to just go back to her normal life and pretend things never happened. She strives now to get involved and to try and help, if she can.
Other Skills/Abilities: As a trained PA Lois has perfected the art of knowing what people want before they know they want it. She's good with computers and databases and has a typing speed of 87wpm and can also write shorthand. Oh and she makes a lovely cup of tea.
Other Weaknesses:Other than her occasional bouts of hayfever and inability to run in heels, nothing.
History:Lois was born and raised in Croydon on the outskirts of London. She lived with her family: Mother, Father, two sisters and a brother and had a happy if busy childhood. Her father was very moralistic and attempted to instill those same morals into his children, as well as push them towards a career he thought would be respectable. His chosen career for Lois was law and she defied him by instead choosing to study English.
Despite the fact she was studying at a university within London, Lois chose to leave home at the age of 18 to gain a little independence from her somewhat oppressive father. Almost immediately she met Tim who became not only a close friend but her on/off boyfriend for the next four years.
After moving away she grew a little apart from her family. Though she tried to stay in touch she found that she often didn't have a lot to talk about, though that didn't stop her Mother phoning her at the same time every Sunday afternoon.
She graduated from Kings College University with a 2.1 degree in English Language & Communication and realised she wasn't actually sure what she wanted to do next. After signing up to a temping agency in order to get some money she somewhat accidentally ended up building a career as a PA after an assignment as an office assistant got her quickly pushed up the career ladder.
Most of her skills were aquired on the job and in her spare time, including evening short hand and computing classes she took in order to give her access to more jobs.
After splitting with Tim she hasn't had another relationship and she prefers it that way (or so she says), choosing instead to focus on her close friends and her career.
Through a friend she was alerted to a job opening within the Home Office. Even though she was still in the middle of a six months temporary assignment it seemed like the perfect opportunity for her. She was sure too that working there would earn the respect from her father she so deeply wanted and so she took the leap and applied for the position which luckily, she got.
On her first day on the job however, the world was confronted by every child chanting in unison and Lois was well and truly thrown in at the deep end. After prodding around in classified parts of the system and questioning the actions of those around her she answered a telephone call from Gwen Cooper of Torchwood and found herself dragged into events, assisting them by using her position to infiltrate the government.
Upon revealing herself at a government meeting she was taken away and locked up for treason until after the opposition of the Prime Minister she was released.
She's now attempting to find Gwen Cooper at Torchwood and find out what happened and see if they need her help.
Canon Point: Post Children of Earth. After just having been released from custody by Denise Riley.
Reality Description: Lois comes from London, late September 2009. She lives in a small one room studio apartment in Aldgate.
The world she comes from is one that's had several encounters with aliens and to a degree are known about by the public, including a recent invasion by the Daleks when the planet was transferred across space.
Most alien encounters though go without notice, or are explained away as something else and people continue their lives as normal.
The world though currently is recovering from the latest alien incursion which saw the government sending the army into schools to take children away to be given away to aliens. The public weren't informed of the exact cause of their children chanting and the children being taken was explained away as the children being given inoculations, but the public understandably have had trouble believing that and there is a huge unrest amongst the public as they go around in fear pretending they aren't scared at all.
The British government is on the edge of falling apart after the Prime Minister went behind the United Nations and American Government. After being uncovered he is about to be upturned. There is likely to be a political uprising between the UK and the USA with a little intervention from the UN; most likely all behind closed doors.
First Person Speaking Sample:[A week sitting on her sofa worrying has done her no good, so finally Lois has allowed a friend to talk her into meeting up for lunch. She hurries down the road, running late as she often does. One hand clutches a phone against her head.]
Sorry, sorry, yes, I know we said one but I'm running a little late. Yes, I promise I'm still coming. I just had a few things I had to do. No, no it's fine, really, it doesn- Oh where is it? My purse, sorry, hang on.
[Rummages around in her handbag, looking for her purse, she's sure she put it in- ah yes, there it is!]
Got it. Right, sorry, where are we meeting again? Yes, oh, must have slipped my mind. Probably, he's been standing out there for the best part of a week now. I even tried to take him a cup of tea yesterday. No, look I've told you, there's nothing to say. It was a misunderstanding, that's all. All forgotten now. If you're going to keep talking about it then I'm not going to come. Yes I know it was, I saw the paper.
[She shrugs her arm from under her coat and checks her watch, inwardly cursing as she realises it's even later than she thought, and fishes around again in her bag for her oyster card as she steps into a newsagent]
Right, well you can tell me all about it when I get there. Yes. Yes I know. I know I'm just topping up my Oyster-
[Heaving a heavy sigh she hands the card to the newsagent and he gives her an uncomfortably letcherous smile in return. After she's done she turns and makes for the door, hurrying a little so she doesn't miss the bus. But she walks out and... oh, that's not the street she was on.]
... Oh what now.
Yes, yes, sorry, I'm here. I just. Sorry, I think I have to go. I might be a bit late. I'll call you. Sorry.
[She hangs up the phone while her friend is still talking and steps forward, looking around the unfamiliar landscape]
Oh God. Gwen, where are you?
I think I've gone mad.
Right, so this is what then, a hallucination? Some sort of trance? Maybe it’s the government, maybe they’ve poisoned me. No. No of course not. God I really am going mad. And I’m talking to myself. That can’t be good.
Well of course it’s not good, I mean, none of this is good.
[Calls out a little as she walks around]
Is anybody here? Sorry, can anyone hear me? Hello? Anyone?
Third Person Writing Sample:
Lois stared at the 'Google' search window until her eyes started to blur. She was running out of ideas. She was trying to be cryptic, to use search terms that wouldn’t be picked up on, to look indirectly by thinking out of the box. But she was tired and nothing was working. It was a little pointless too, she thought; there was no way they’d let her go as easily as they did for no reason.
They were watching. They had to be. Her phone was probably bugged and there was probably some hairy bloke in the back of an office somewhere looking at every website she was visiting. She hoped her earlier visit to ‘Ann Summers’ online had put a smile on his face.
Dejected she leaned back on her sofa and ran a hand over her face.
“Oh what am I doing?” She sighed.
She should stop. A large part of her mind told her she should stop. That she’s safe now and she should go back to her normal life. But how could she? How after everything she’d seen. The week that ran on repeat in her mind, the aliens and the children and the monsters in the government; and through it all, the only ones who seemed to want to help, Torchwood.
They hadn’t told her how it ended. She suspected they didn’t know themselves. They’d take the credit though, of that she had no doubt.
But she couldn’t stop thinking of Torchwood, couldn’t stop thinking of Gwen’s words in the coffee shop. “When all this is over, and you want a job, come and see me.”
She didn’t know what had happened to them, to Torchwood. Not since they bundled Captain Harkness away from the cell opposite her.
So all she could do, was look. And she’d keep on looking until she found them.
Her computer bleeped with an email and she clicked it: a confirmation for a train ticket to Cardiff.
“Right then,” she breathed out slowly. She was really going to do this. Because she’s seen what goes on, and if nobody will help then what? And it might be hard, but somebody has to and after what’s she’s seen, how could she ever sit back and pretend everything is okay?
So the following day she’d get the train to Cardiff with nothing but the money in her bank account and a few names, Gwen Cooper, Captain Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Torchwood.
She’d find something. She had to.
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