Sorry for the delay, folks, but here's the round up for the William Bush Alphabet Soup, featuring fics and graphics, drabbles and novellas, slash, het, and gen, book canon, movie canon, AU and other. Thanks for an incredible ride! (And please check to make sure your link goes to the right place, thanks!) Please link back to this round-up from your individual entries to make it easier on readers as well.
A is for Amputation
by Mylodon
He’s heard the old jacks often enough, out on the deck for a make and mend day.
“Giving me awful gip today, that foot o’ mine,” they’d say, pointing at nothing more than a wooden peg, all their mates smiling and nodding with complete understanding.
Read on! B is for Belay
by Brewsternorth
He learns the word even before he knows what the sea is. The Bush family is prolific enough that some of its tendrils have extended to Portsmouth, and an uncle of William's who isn't a blacksmith invariably drops it into his speech.
Read on! C is for Cotard
by jestana
"Mister Boosh, may I 'ave a word?" His back to the Frenchman for the moment, first lieutenant William Bush of the Hotspur closed his eyes briefly. What now?
Read on! D is for Devotion
by sarlania
The boy liked the graveyard watch most of all.
In the darkness, he was alone on the quarterdeck. He could feel her restless motion beneath him, could feel each heave and lurch as she parted the wild seas of his childhood dreams.
Read on! E is for Eager
by Jestana
Now that he has taken that first step, William Bush is eager to take the next one, and the next.
Read on! F is for Flag Captain
by black_hound
Graphic ahoy! G is for Gunnery
by Lokei
There's appalling heat in the spaces below and between decks, and every breath is a labor to strain oxygen from the dense smoky air. It's worse than he ever experienced as a boy at the forge, and if he were standing inside the smithy's bellows itself he does not think he would be any hotter.
Read on! H is for Highbury Street
by draugdur
Definitely our longest entry, and well worth the wait.
Read on! I is for Insomnia
by HMS_Wellington
Lieutenant William Bush lay awake listening to the muted sound of rain falling on the blanket stretched between the willow trees above his head. It was a relatively warm night, but still the cold had seeped up from the damp, unyielding ground and worked its way into his bones.
Read on! I is for Intimacy
by lady_branwyn
In all his years before the mast, nothing had prepared him for this. It had been a bit of a shock at first, to see the lieutenant in naught but a shirt as if he were a common tar hauling at the ropes.
Read on! J is for Jam
by sarlania
Bush woke to find Hornblower’s face hovering above him.
Struggling into a sitting position despite the pain shooting through his sides, Bush commented on how happy he was to see him.
Read on! K is for Kennedy
by Lokei
The third and fourth lieutenant are something of a mystery to Bush. He knows they are friends, can see it in the way they interact, in the glances which carry far more than he can ever hope to interpret. What he cannot understand is why.
Read on! L is for Longitude
by sadisticgrin
Largely, he is far more comfortable with instinct.
Read on! M is for Mistake
by Romanticalgirl
He knows it is a mistake. How could he not when his heart pounds so ferociously, a warning far louder than any cannon fire.
Read on! N is for Naughty
by lady_branwyn
“Frigate to the starboard,” Galbraith called out. “And she’s a beauty.”
Read on! O is for Orion
by Lokei
“Stargazing, Mr. Bush?”
The soft tones broke across Bush’s reverie and he started, relieved to find that it was merely Mr. Hornblower beside him, and not the raving Captain escaped from his cabin.
Read on! P is for Push
by thehappyreturn
If Bush were to speak from his heart of hearts, he would have to admit three things.
The first thing was that there was only one man aboard the Renown who was capable of pushing Sawyer down the hold.
Read on! Q is for Quarter
by lady_branwyn
His leg-what was left of his leg-burned with agony at each jolt of the carriage, but Bush closed his eyes and tried to feign sleep. He’d be damned if he gave the captain another cause for worry.
Read on! R is for Razor, and also for Risk
by Brewsternorth
If his sonofabitch hands would just stop shaking. Bush didn't have a mirror by him, but he figured he probably looked as shitty as he felt.
Read on! S is for Signal Tower
by sarlania
On a windswept coast in Spain, near the bay of Rosas, lie the crumbled and blackened remains of a signal tower. Alone, it commands a brilliant view of the Mediterranean, watching the endless horizon and waiting for the day when the sea shall give up her dead.
Read on! T is for Turnips
by Mylodon
William and Horatio are sailors.
Can you say Indefatigable? William can, except when he’s been on the sauce.
Read on! U is for Uniform
by princess_s
Again this impatient young man amazes me, I knew something of this nature would have been called for, to satisfy honour and to appease those back in London. But never, even after our adventures did I think that he would be the one.
Read on! V is for Veritas
by idler_1814
I shamed him. I shamed him, though the far greater shame is mine alone. He has, one hopes, forgotten the incident entirely. I, on the other hand, have not. I must not.
Read on! W is for 'What's in a name?'
by Lokei
His sisters tossed it about as carelessly as a child’s toy, often with the sweet endearments of childhood attached. It didn’t matter whether they sprinkled it through their wholesome conversation on his infrequent visits, or whether it peppered their chatty letters, which they would store up for weeks and apparently mail all at once so that months of no word at all would be broken by a mail packet several inches thick that was the envy of many a homesick middie.
Read on! X is for X-axis
by draugdur
“It’s called Cartesian geometry, after René Descartes” Commodore Hornblower informed the captain of HMS Nonsuch, his old friend William Bush.
“A Frenchman?” Bush instantly asked with suspicion in his voice.
Read on! Y is for Yearning
by Jestana
The naked yearning on Major André Côtard's face as he watched France disappear behind the stern of the Hotspur was almost embarrassing. First lieutenant William Bush glanced away before the Major turned and caught him watching him.
Read on! Z is for Zeal
by Mylodon
“I thought Buckland would never let us go.”
“He didn’t in our case, Horatio. We had to exercise our right to disobey orders in a higher cause.”
Read on!