From Pro Choice Victoria:
On Thursday May 30 the Victorian Government tabled the Victorian Law Reform Commission’s (VLRC) report on the law of abortion. The report is impressive and provides a firm foundation for the government to pursue its decriminalisation agenda.
But not all decriminalisation is the same. The VLRC has identified three models to decriminalise abortion, but only one - Model C - meets the government’s law reform objectives, and gives all Victorian women and couples the right to decide.
We encourage you to send an email to every MP in the Victorian Parliament in support of Model C - Model C is the only model that treats all Victorians as decision-makers worthy of respect. The only reform model that would provide the same legal situation to Victorians as that enjoyed by Canadians since 1988, and Australians living in the ACT since 2002. The only model that allows the medical procedure (deemed by the World Health Organisation as one of the safest) to be regulated like all other medical procedures, and leaves the moral issues to be negotiated by the woman and her partner.
81% of Australians support a woman’s right to choose. They know that no one really knows other people’s circumstances. They trust that only women and their partners know what is necessary and right when faced with a problem pregnancy. They believe that only women and their partners have the right to decide.
The other models proposed by the Law Reform Commission do not meet offer real reform of the law. Model A enshrines the current legal framework in legislation, but the Law Reform Commission admits it is out-of-step with community standards and current clinical practice. Of course it is. It was the very unacceptability of the current legal situation that led the government to pursue reform in the first place.
Model B asserts that only some Victorians are decision-makers worthy of respect. It grants the right to decide to the majority of Victorian women and their partners, but singles out a small but vulnerable minority for paternalistic oversight.
Model C is the only one that:
- says all Victorians are created equal
- says the medical procedure must be regulated like all others
- trusts women and their partners to negotiate the moral issues
- delivers the respect and support that all women and couples facing a problem pregnancy deserve
Soon, Victorian Parliamentarians will be given a conscience vote on the shape of the new law. Tell them that when they make their choice, you want them to respect yours.
Tell them to support Model C. Thanks for taking the time to ensure your voice is heard.
Again, we encourage you to join Pro Choice Vic, if you haven’t already. Visit and be first in line for news, updates and opportunities to take action.
If you're opposed to abortion, DO NOT waste your time clicking on the cut. And DO NOT waste my time by trying to change my mind in the comments field. I respect your right to disagree with me - but let's do so quietly, shall we?