I got into work today with an extra long commute- about twice as long, but since my commute isn't really that long, it's about even with any bad commute day. The roads were kinda crappy, but I've certainly driven in worse and taken the same amount of time. It's just that everyone else decided they had to go to work today, too.
I'm sitting and waiting for my code to start, and I'm sitting on my chair cross-legged to warm up my feet. Yes, my circulation still sucks. The odd thing when i do this, though, is that I can feel my heartbeat shake my whole body. It's my normal heartbeat, not terribly fast, but I'm sitting fairly still. I think I just get very sensitive to it sometimes, but it's kind of disturbing.
I'm still pretty sad for having missed mystery hunt- I'm glad my flight came back early enough to catch people at the reception when I was meeting up with the mean-family contingent (isl, mdc, dan) It seems silly, but I'm kind of proud of my friends for putting on such popular hunts. But really, I'm glad I went to do karate stuff for the weekend, since it lasts me a lot longer than a hunt weekend. I know what I want my blackbelt test to look like. I have a *lot* of work to do. The guy who tested could fly!
My current videogame status: Final Fantasy 13 & Heavy Rain are fighting for first brain sucker. Katamari is in third place, but since the others require more attention and time, it still has hope. I still want to go back to starcraft, but I suspect I won't. I still want to finish Spirit Tracks, but I think I've lost momentum. And I kinda want to replay whichever DS crystal chronicles I have. I'm looking forward to skyward sword, but I'm kind of glad it's been delayed. I also want to go back to resident evil 4, but every time I need to restart it to learn how to fight again, and then I run out of time at about the same point. Braid and other humble bundle games are waiting. Portal is kind of sitting in the back of my brain, but not calling too hard because I need to remember to have a mouse when I play it (and I haven't bought it yet)... or maybe ps3 it...
I think I'm beginning to not feel well. Last night's dinner did not agree with me and today I'm a little dizzy. this should stop already.
I think dan & i are both feeling a little like we need to reach out to our social groups. However, I'm more inclined to reach out to my side of the world and he's more inclined to reach out to his. Not that either of us is unhappy to see the other's side. But these 2 groups don't really seem to interact when they're put near each other, with a few individual exceptions. One is too big and the other is too closed. well see how this balances. Someone had suggested starting a thetan internal relations committee, which entertains me.