at home:
- many aloes (I know I owe laura47 and puffywuffy aloe, but have been stupid-lame. The aloes are healthy enough that I don't feel bad)
- both cherimoya are doing well, and 1 is sprouting other leaves and branches. I worry about them in the long-term. I'm not in a climate where they'd survive the winter. (wikipedia says it likes to see snow from a distance)
- asparagus put out a strong stalk, let it grow a long time, gave up, and put out a new one. I owe it a new pot.
- the strawberries are going strong
- the beans and peas seem happy
- the thyme survived the winter
- the cilantro seeded itself
- the oregano and goblins don't seem to have made it
- the maple didn't make it when I was gone for vancouver, and it didn't recover :(
- the purple fuzzy isn't happy, though it flowered.
- cactus is happy as usual and needs the dead flowers removed again
- violet is flowering again. after all those years of doing nothing, it decided this window made a world of difference
- fern and bamboo seem stable and occasionally add height or leaf.
- jades seem ok, though I don't think I've made them thrilled with the world, either.
at work:
- mother maple is ok, and baby maple clipping is quite happy. may follow me home soon.
- most of the aloes seem stabilized. the one that was thrilled with the world that I accidentally broke off is still thrilled with the world and rooted fast.
- the oregano, thyme, and basil seem happy, though slow!
- jade gained height.
- brussell sprout is very sad I don't know what it wants or if it's just gone, but it has one happy leaf left. Did I fail to water it?
- Jalapeno is a funny 3 part thing that's putting out flowers. the head is nice and dark. the arms are less impressive, but have produced some small but nice fruit.
- purple fuzzy is thrilled with life and reaching for jennyelf and dangermouse. and might succeed.
I need to do some gardening. desperately.