November 17 2016, 22:11:55 UTC
Dear Mel, I know you're feeling down at the moment. Come here and be loved! You're a valued and unique part of fandom - please don't compare yourself with others because there is no-one like you.
Re: _melodic_
November 20 2016, 00:33:43 UTC
You are so talented and versatile, I enjoy the hell out everything you write! Not to mention what a lovely person you, how supportive and enthusiastic and thoughtful! I've enjoyed getting to know you better this year!
Re: _melodic_
November 17 2016, 23:27:37 UTC
We haven't really chatted before, but I just wanted to let you know that I have always admired your writing from afar and you are so so so so soooooo incredibly talented. You are a wonderful person. You are an important part of this fandom. You are important part of this world and I hope that next year is a better year <3
RE: _melodic_
November 18 2016, 00:19:48 UTC
Sweet, beautiful, kind Mel! <3 You are such a lovely + wonderful person, one that I'm so glad to call a friend. You work so hard, and you're so giving to the community. You're an amazingly talented writer! Getting to know you has been such a joy. Thank you for being the loveliest person ever! <333 *hug hug hug*
Re: _melodic_
November 18 2016, 12:08:00 UTC
Okay. You're only the sweetest thing on the planet, OKAY? :D You're so beautiful, inside and outside, and knowing you better these past few months have been the best, truly and utterly the best. You're giving and kind, and yeah, beautiful! Your writing is brilliant! I love how much you write, and I love how you challenge yourself to try to new things, it's been wonderful seeing you growing as a writer, and more so, wonderful to be part of fandom together and calling you my friend.
Re: _melodic_
November 18 2016, 15:54:05 UTC
I'm so glad to have found you on here. I've never felt so close to someone on the other side of the world! It has been wonderful to see you really branching out into fandom, spreading your wings and trying new things. Your writing has come so far, and you have a wonderful flair for the poetic, particularly in the way you incorporate colour into your stories. You always listen, always care, and you're just generally an amazing, genuine, lovely person. I cherish our little chats, and hope we have more time for them soon <3
Re: _melodic_
November 18 2016, 17:17:16 UTC
You are so kind. And just really funny and encouraging. You also take your time to tell people how special you are and that just makes you even more special.
Re: _melodic_
November 18 2016, 20:44:09 UTC
Darling, your lovely short stories brighten my evenings when I need it the most, so I hereby thank you and I hope you keep on sharing your wonderful talent with this fandom - and this particular flailing member - for many years to come! :)
Re: _melodic_
November 18 2016, 20:50:40 UTC
i believe we are relatively new friends, but you are so delightful and honest and open in your posts, that i feel like i've known you a very long time. your writing is delicious and sexy, and i love how prolific you are. thank you! ♥
Re: _melodic_
November 18 2016, 23:33:10 UTC
It's such a pleasure to know you and I'm so pleased you are part of my fandom life. You're a generous, warm-hearted person and an absolutely wonderful writer. You deserve all the good things. Much love <3
Thanks for being amazing!
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