Title: Perfectly Disastrous
Word count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Angel/Spike
Disclaimer: The boys belong to Joss, even though I’m often nicer to them than he is.
Author’s Notes: Written for
open_on_sunday’s current prompt, bug.
Spike woke sticky and sore and alone, in Wolfram-and-bloody-Hart - with an enormous smile on his face. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so perfectly happy.
He went downstairs, looking for Angel and another great fuck. He found chaos, terror, and Fred and Gunn fighting over who got the big axe.
“Wot the hell is this?”
“Angel’s gone evil again!” Fred exclaimed. “Somehow he got a moment of perfect happiness - oh.”
They turned to look at him - ruffled hair and shagged-out eyes and some truly impressive love bites.
Wesley groaned. “Didn’t anyone ever tell you that buggery was wrong?”