Title: Going Down
Word count: 100
Characters/pairings: Angelus/William
Rating R
Disclaimer: The boys belong to Joss, even though I’m often much nicer to them than he is.
Author’s Notes: This was written for the current
open_on_sunday prompt, ascension.
Becoming a vampire was more than going up on the food chain. It was ascending into a higher state of being; it was a darker, more vital life. It was exactly what William had read about, the Romantic ideal of becoming something more.
He flicked his tongue over his teeth, tasting the tramp from earlier, and made a face.
Spike rolled his eyes and turned away from the window. “You bellowed?”
Angelus bared his fangs. “Stop daydreaming and get over here.”
Spike dropped to the floor between Angelus’ knees.
He’d never expected ascension to involve so much going down.