Anime North 2007

May 28, 2007 17:10

Well, it came around again this year, Canada's biggest Anime Convention: Anime North. This year I was working in the AV (Audio/Visual) Department. Our main tasks were setting up of equipment (TVs, DVD players, projectors, screens, speakers, mics, computers) and tearing them down at the end of the Con. Also of course in any replacement or repair of faulty equipment, which thankfully there weren't too many of this year. Most of my work, as was for most of the AV crew, was completed before the con started, but by the time it started on Friday @ 5pm, I had logged in already 16 hours of work from Thursday evening!

Had a bit of an accident during setup. One of the large projection screens - the type that is rolled up with a quick jerk into a large and heavy metal tube - had to come down. Much of the equipment we use is jury rigged and in this case, the metal tube was suspended between two metal poles and tied to said poles by copper electrical wire - this set up was about 15' high. Well, we had to move this screen to another room so the AV head (the guy in charge) tells me to snap the screen closed. I do so, and just as it hits the top, the whole thing bounces and breaks free of the copper wiring, falling down to smash upon my hastily raised arm. It slams off my shoulder and onto the ground. At this point the AV head and other guy helping are freaked out. Myself, I barely felt it other than a momentary smack. So while they are wondering if my arm is broken, I just shrug and pick up the large screen and haul it into the next room.

Mind you, it was a bit of a show of bravado and I have a nice pair of purple bruises on my shoulder from the two edges on the projection metal tube. I think if it was some skinny armed guy that is happened to, it seriously would've broken his arm. That's how hard it came down.

However, being as most of my work was completed by then, I had most of the time during the convention to do whatever I wanted to. There was some great panels like Fanthropology (the study of fandom) and How to Cook Japanese Food (yummy samplers!!). I also managed to get a bunch of great photos of cosplayers (linked below).

So the con finished on Sunday and the AV crew (including myself of course) has to begin packing up. We started at 3pm. As the head of AV had his license suspended due to nonpayment of a fine (being the unorganized and misplaced priorities type of guy he is), the job of renting and driving the 17' truck fell to me. In any case, we finally packed up everything, loaded it into the truck and drove down to the AV head's place. He's the guy who owns all the equipment and his "day job" is also AV rentals. Seems most of his yearly paycheque comes from the con itself from the rentals.

In the end, I managed to drop off the truck and get back into my car at 3am. I was tired as hell and my feet were like lumps of lead and pain. Just before heading out, one of the co-ordinators for the con talks to me about being the travel co-ordinator for next year. That's the person that organizes vehicle rentals and usage. I tentatively said it sounds OK, but will have to think about it before answering at the wrap-up meeting in a couple of weeks.

But for now, I'll just sit back and enjoy the latest two Genshiken manga I bought. ^___^

Anime North 2007 Picture Album (descriptions below pics)
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