
Jul 25, 2005 15:41

This post may sting a few people ( Read more... )

religion, politics, *something more creative than "thinking"

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Comments 7

thinkyourbrain July 25 2005, 17:44:10 UTC
you're right in respect to education, i'm glad i'm not the only one who has realized that, but i think you're being too hard on religion, yes it's prone to mistakes, but as a society, even as a world, we need some sort of moral compass, we can't all follow our own ideas of what's right and wrong, the churches rules aren't arbitrary, sure some of them have been, there has been corruption, people have done horrible things in the name of Christianity, in the name of any religion, but that's no reason to abandon organized religion, human beings need community and a community that enforces a code of morality which is for the greater good, is respectable and worth having, people are too quick to jump on the band-wagon of "oh i'm not religious, i'm just spiritual", I WAS ONE OF THEM, but there has to be a middle ground, there is a middle ground, we don't all have to be robots, we shouldn't be, but neither should we all just do what we think is right on our own terms, there's no accountability there, and that can be just as dangerous


lokmarie July 25 2005, 18:47:23 UTC
I think that level five morality is what works, and that morality can be based on reason.


lokmarie July 25 2005, 18:50:08 UTC
But yeah, I feel people are taking to "do as you feel" part, without taking the "responsibilty" part. I don't think the attittude that is considered "cool" now to be nice, I think its a bit dangerous, because shadow worship is never a good thing. Freuds theory's have been debunked, and self control is a good thing. However, up until recently I had no problem with organized relgion.I'll post something on that later, however, I'm not going to make anyone stick to what I say and if you want ot be part of it, as long as you "keep your head" so to speak and realize you aren't the only people in the world, its cool.


dvak_64 July 25 2005, 23:08:09 UTC
I think the difference between intelligent hypocrites and stupid ones is that the intelligent ones realize it and make an effort to not be such.

Or am I just completely crazy? It's late and I'm not really thinking.


lokmarie July 25 2005, 23:38:15 UTC
yeah, I think so too. Except so called "intelligent hypocrites", like I hope(:() to be, still cannpt be called naught but hypocrites. I like hume's skeptiscm


gilderfreak July 26 2005, 09:44:06 UTC
If you really look at it, nearly every person in the world is a hypocrite. J.D. Salinger would call them "phonies." Academia and Religion are only two examples. You can find hypocrites in celebrities, politicians, and everywhere else. The only hypocrites that I have respect for are commedians. They make fun of themselves as well as others for being hypocritical, and I respect them for bringing it out into the open. Especially Jon Stewart.


lokmarie July 26 2005, 10:59:44 UTC
yeah, thats kinda the point-everyone is a hypocrite. These two examples are no different.



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