The Best One I've Heard In a Long Time...

Aug 22, 2005 00:18

Lately my job as a Pharmacy Tech has been really getting to me. Most recently I've been having issues with my schedule... well let's just say that people I work with have been having issues. But that's not to say that I still don't have my share of fun. Last Wednesday I was working with a floater pharmacist by the name of Lina if I'm not mistaken ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

a__money August 22 2005, 11:32:59 UTC
hahahahah she got her good.


lokoindahead August 22 2005, 13:37:12 UTC
She got her too damn good. I wish you worked with me so you could see at least half of the shit I have to deal with. I KNOW if we worked together we would get fired on the first day for laughing to damn much.


a__money August 22 2005, 14:34:31 UTC
J, we don't have to work together to get kicked out of places! People always try to seperate us.. i hate it :[


lokoindahead August 22 2005, 22:52:06 UTC
OMGZ, THAT'S SOOOO TRUE!!! Why is that? I mean whenever we are having a good time it's like it bothers people for some reason. You remember when we went to tacobell and we were laughing at our beloved WISHY-WASHY and those hick-ass peps started to look at us wrong as they left, and that's not to count all the other times we have been hated for just having a ball. WTF, makes me laugh just thinking about it.


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