[IC/OOC] Useful notes on tiny!Raidou

Jun 01, 2010 20:32

The main thing to realize about tiny!Raidou is that he's... not Raidou! He is still years off from undergoing the final trials to become Raidou Kuzunoha XIV, and as such will not answer to that name. He will be bewildered that all of these people, many of them foreigners, seem to know who he is (if not his actual name) and who Raidou is.

He probably should not have Gdon with him - she is in all likelihood much too powerful for someone his age - but she is the demon he's closest to in camp, and she'll remember who has proven themselves trustworthy and who hasn't, so I'm handwaving things a bit. Attempting to attack her is fine; however, a) she will interpret any attack on her as an attempt on Raidou and react accordingly (read: with multiple castings of Hellfire); and b) Raidou will react badly to anyone hurting Gdon and be that much less likely to trust you. If things get really bad, Gdon will tell him to flee into the cornfields and draw her attackers away, with plans to follow him later if she survives.

Tiny!Raidou can still sense spiritual energy, and will also tend to be more at ease with nonhuman campers/counselors. That doesn't mean he'll trust anyone implicitly, but nonhumans are somewhat less scary. Not that he'd ever admit to being scared, because he's still a Kuzunoha - just... shorter.
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