Oooooookay... so does everyone remember when my iPod died? Err.. well, I don't remember if I posted about it, but yeah.. in June, my iPod Shuffle of 1 year went to electronic trash heaven.....
So... I bought a new, much cheaper mp3player....
And you know what?
Something fucking short-circuited this weekend and that fucker died too. I don't know what the hell happened, but one minute I was cleaning and dancing to w-inds., and the next... it was off.
For a while it would turn on and play again... or I've have to hit the reset button a few times and it would start up again and play for a while...
NOTHING. OH.MY.GOD. I'm so annoyed. x________x I seriously cannot live without music anymore. The busride to school today was PAINFUL. Good thing this damned thing is still under the warranty so I can exchange it.... though... I'll have to wait until FRIDAY because I got it from a place that only sells at the Richmond Night Market apparently.... and that only runs Friday and Saturday....
On Friday I also have an exam at UBC starting at 7pm... which I'm hoping I can finish earlyyyyyyyy so I can get to the Night Market relatively early. (it runs 7-12 or something like that)... 'cause the next day... I have to go to my dad's and won't be in Richmond to exchange it on Saturday... And plus.. waiting till Friday is just going to KILL ME. OMG.
I'm going to have to resort to using my discman which I haven't used in over a year. Omg... only 20 songs... or less.... in my battery-sucking discman... takes up so much space.... WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That aside... Hey Star~!! Wanna go to the Night Market on Friday? xDDDDDDD Seeing as how I'll be on your side of the river before going there ANYWAY, I could easily bring you along. xD That is unless you've got a date with pink-shirt-guy (Kato? *bad memory*), or something. ^_____^
Meh.. I don't wanna go to Chinese Cinema today... but I have to because our mid-term paper assignment is being explained today. x___x;;; Hopefully he hands it out at the beginning with the other stuff.. .then I can just watch the movie and go home.... to watch Naruto. Omg my Naruto addiction is CRAZY. x___x;; I'm already up to ep... 60 or something.. and I just started watching the anime like.... a week or two ago? not even? *crazyobsessedfreak* Gah. But I dunno... it's a kind of fandom that I'm not used to.. and it'll probably die down once I've caught up in the episodes.. 'cause yeah.. having to wait for stuff doesn't sit well with me. xD;;;;;
Oh.. and still on the school thing... I've missed a bunch of my family studies classes. xD;;;;;;;;; it's just a boring class though, and most of the theory and stuff I've already learned seeing as how I've already taken 3 years worth of women's studies and this is a beginner level FMST course. ^^; The midterm should be interesting though.. she'll apparently draw on examples from class... but.. I'll manage. All I need to do is pass. I'm not trying to be a "good" student or "above average" student.. I'm aiming for decent. xD
Annnnnddddd, my mom is coming next week to help me and Nat find a new place to live. Seeing as how I've got school and Nat works every day... we really, really needed the help. x___x I just need to remember to call my landlord on the 1st and be like, "Dude, we're leaving."
OH! Did I say anything here about the stupid flying ants???????????? No.. I don't think I got around to it....
So anyway, I come home on... Thursday I think it was, and Nat's like "there were all these stupid flying things under my desk and I vaccumed them up and it was really gross"... and then.. more of them came out.. so we vaccumed them again and emptied the thing outside ... with the hose 'cause the stupid fuckers were clinging to the inside. x_______x Then we got ant baits and those sticky fly trap things that hang from the ceiling. And then we ducktaped the baseboards and whatever around where they had come out.
Friday was good. Nat left for her dad's, and I spent most of my day in the livingroom watching Naruto *isgeek*.
Saturday, they tried for round two.... god damnit. This time they were ALL OVER MY ROOM!!!! On MY floor, in MY bed, on MY window.. did I mention IN MY FUCKING BED!?!?!?!?! Oh my god it was disturbing.. add that to the fact that my room was still pretty messy.. and yeah.. it was a bad day. I killed a bunch of the things with orange spray cleaner, but there were still a lot. I also sprinkled cinnamon along the baseboards and stuff 'cause apparently they don't like the smell and stay away from it.
that night, I slept on the couch.. which is really more like a loveseat.. I'm wayyyyy too tall to be sleeping anywhere near comfortably on that thing...
Sunday, I go in my room and find a bunch that I didn't kill... were dead. I'd read that they "take care of themselves" and "some die off" and "they only are out for a short while" but.. I really wasn't expecting them all to just go "OOPS WE'RE DEAD NOW! LOLOLOLOLOL" But YAY! .. so I cleaned my room... vaccumed my floor 3 times, vaccumed my bed, did laundry and squashed everyyyyyyyy ant I saw outside while I was hanging stuff up to dry. I didn't really see many ants inside.. and most of them were just ants... no wings.
But then YESTERDAY..... *grumblegrumble* ROUND FUCKING THREE. I went home after Anth. and watched Naruto in my room 'cause it was all clean and stuff, and then when I got up, I noticed that.. OH SHIT THERE WERE MORE CLIMGING ON MY WINDOW... there were more trying to crawl along the floor into my room.. and yeah.. there was another shitload under Nat's desk. ;___________________; So.. once again.. I went on a killing spree.. and had my door closed for most of the day after that hoping that they wouldn't try to crawl under it... which I only found a few that did... and yeah... OMG I HATE FLYING ANTS... HATEEEEEEEEE
And today.. I only saw dead ones.. but... HOLY FUCK... if I go home and there's more crawling on my window.. I'm just going to FLIP OUT.
Oh.. and I think my cat may have eaten some that I killed... I sure hope she didn't eat the ones I killed with orange cleaner. x____x;;;;
Oh.. and to prove my super geekness.. I called it "OrenjiShi no Jutsu" (orange death technique)..... based on Naruto.
God I'm such a geek. xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Anyway, off to class now~