Ohhay :D It's been a month :D... again :D

Nov 28, 2010 19:42

I'm so good about updating things in general now, aren't I :D
I blame school entirely, for reals.

Besides school being a major tumor on my back, I've been decent.

My brother visited for a few days at the end of October and he bought me Alan Wake. I beat that in the course of one weekend because I knew that if I didn't, I'd be playing it all day on weekends, not doing my homework 8D
So I beat it as fast as I could. Awesome sauce game. Totally been playing it again recently, getting all the manuscript pages and thermoses that I missed the first time around ^^;

Right after that was Halloween, I dressed up as Knives from the end of the Scott Pilgrim movie :D Altered a store-bought scarf to make it right :B Fun times were had with buddies. Lots of Just Dance 2 was played :D

Then school, blahblah.

Sometime in the middle of this month, I downloaded the Scott Pilgrim game on the 360. Many hours were lost in that. Manymany hours.
Fuggen ninja girl. I beat it with Scott, tho, so I'm good. Plan on beating it with all of them eventually, though. Not sure when that's gonn happen; I'm on the final stage with Ramona, and Gideon's three consecutive levels are a pain in my butt because once you die, even when you're at the last level, you have to go aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall the way back to the first level 8D
Fun sauce :D...

Then I asked my parents to buy me the Scott Pilgrim movie. And they got it for me :D
Hooraaaaay~ :D
I've watched it more than 5 times, I'm sure. Getting to the point that I can recite almost all the lines, lmao, goodjob me.

And then wonderland_chan and hungryspider came home from school, initiate daysofhangouts :D

We watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows last weekend, and I'm not sure if it was just me, but given I've only seen the first movie and read the third book, I wasn't as completely lost as I thought I would be :D
The shiny things were nice :D

Then we watched Tangled~ Ultra adorbs movie and I actually want it on DVD right now so I can watch it over again xD
In love with the loveydovey duet song, you have no idea.

And now it's now, and nothing's going on :D Marathoned the first season of Pushing Daisies, a show I've been meaning to watch since I apparently caught the pilot/first episode some millions of days ago but could never find again D:
Adorable show. Must find the rest of the episodes, theWB.com gave me only episodes 6-10 of season two :P

And an aside that's kinda eatin away at me because I'm an impatient noobzor. A big sissy noobzor.

I applied for SCAD recently.

Not sure why I didn't apply fresh out of highschool. SCAD was my dream school. Not only because nyankochan/zombiejam/my heeeeero went there, but because of the Sequential art program. That drew me in as soon as I found out about it in highschool. Tippy top of my priority schools list.
And to be honest, AI was my majormajormajor fallback school. UNLV was actually above it.
Figures I'm so miserable 8D
Did I mention I'm miserable at AI?
Because I am :D
But yeah. So I applied finally. Just the other day, they finally got all the papers I needed to turn in for them to look at, so now it's just a waiting game~ I figure it'll be a while for them to get back on it since I applied for the fall quarter. I figured to apply then rather than spring quarter as I intended years ago, since the spring break for SCAD usually overlaps AI's winterquarter, and my winterquarter is actually pretty deng important at the moment while I have Adv. Traditional Animation then. Totally the only class I'll care about then.
But as soon as I get news about being accepted, scholarship or not, I'm dropping out of AI BD
I want the hell out of AI. So bad.

I am an impatient pansy sissy noobzor ;x

Now how about some random whatevers that I can find sitting around in my photobucket :D?

wip of the owlie in this.

Doodle of Kida in fanceh clothes~

Colors for the prinny panties contest that I entered the absolutely final day to enter, lols.

wip of a doodle I've been working on and off on~ Writing is just of names of artist from a book a teacher showed us~

Sculpture for Sculpture class. Tis of Madison playing the cello~

And then I was bored and I took a panorama shot of my room, lols.

Me and my rainbow room. (click if you wanna see them biggar)

Aaand that's all~
Here's a picture of a dog I saw hanging out of a car while I was driving a week or so ago :D

random, sculpture, school, doodles, fail, irl, photos

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