Title: Come What May (Prologue)
Length: Prologue + 3 chapters + epilogue
Author: lola_mejor
Rating: G
Pairing: Klaine
Genre: future!fic, angst
Warnings: self-indulgent
Word Count: 556
Summary: Kurt and Blaine are in their late 20s, still very much in love, and in an established, stable relationship. A simple question reveals that they may want different
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Comments 3
I can relate, since I don't like kids (in general), but I love both my kids and my niece. It wasn't until someone pointed out to me that you don't HAVE to like kids (in restaurants, on trains) and you don't HAVE to be interested in talking about kid stuff (diapers and development etc) to have kids on your own. You can just love your own kids and ignore everything else. Good advice.
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