Title: Precious Cargo
Pairing: Jaebum/Jackson
Rating: PG
Word Count: 800
Summary: Jaebum and Jackson tackle the trials of parenthood.
Author's Note: Got7 came into my life like a hurricane that I wasn't prepared for. So here, have some parental!JackBum with their baby!Bambam as my first contribution to the fandom! I hope you enjoy!
Jaebum hums softly, staring at his son's toothy grin with an answering smile of his own. )
Comments 4
But seriously,you've satisfied my Jackbum feels,good job!
I'm so glad I could provide some JackBum for you! I've been in what feels like a never ending search for them recently ;;
Parental fics get me every time too!
Thank you for reading and commenting! :)
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