This little story is a Dan/Casey drabble that grew.
Casey intended to be in the office early. With Dan in Baltimore, he knew he’d have extra work. But somehow he didn’t make it into the studio until right before the noon rundown. He immediately checked his e-mail. Nothing new in the inbox. Impossible. He e-mailed the script notes to himself from Danny’s apartment last night. This was just great. He was going into the noon rundown with a nervous Steve Sarrus and no script. Dana would be even more unhinged than usual. Well, she’d just have to cope with Steve by herself.
Thankfully, Danny lived close to the CSC building, only a short walk. Casey had been given spare key years ago. He’d just slip in and make a copy of their script notes and be back in the office in less than an hour.
Opening the door, the apartment seemed still and lifeless without Danny. He wanted to make this quick. Casey sat down at the dining room table that served as Danny’s desk and was surprised to find the computer on. Danny had forgotten to turn it off last night. When Casey touched the mouse, the last document Danny worked on appeared on the screen. It was a Journal entry dated about 3:00am this morning. Danny must have written it shortly after Casey left last night. He couldn’t help but notice his name in the opening line of the posting. Casey didn’t mean to snoop, but he couldn’t stop himself. He began to read:
Journal Entry April 14th
Casey just left. I teased him about missing me tomorrow, but the truth is I’ll miss him. When will I have the nerve to say, “I’m in love with you, Casey?” I’ll probably never have the balls to tell him. Besides, it’s not like I’ve been subtle. Most of the people who work closely with us already know. Out of compassion for me, they never mention it, but I can see it in their eyes. Only Casey doesn’t realize, and I guess he really doesn’t want to know. Maybe I should just face that he’s the love of my life and my feelings aren’t returned.
Stunned, Casey just stared at the computer screen.