Title: Friends, Part II
Characters: Jack/Ianto
Spoilers: Torchwood: Children of Earth
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Russell T. Davies, the BBC, and other persons or entities own all things Torchwood. I own nothing and make no money from it.
Summary: Jack’s reaction
Jack’s Thoughts Chapter Listing "Maybe we can become friends," he said.
Is he serious?
I think about him night and day. During the day, I’m thinking about him with Johnny. Are they having a good time? I’m wishing I were with them. We’d be a real family.
In the evenings he’s at the house constantly, fixing things, making meals, cleaning everything! I never realized that I could get hard watching someone scrubbing a floor!
Then, I dream about him… sometimes my sheets are drenched with more than sweat...
Ianto, how can I be your friend when you mean more to me than ever before?
How about Dinner?