Title: What Ianto Says, Part II - ‘Jack’s Thoughts: Drabble IX
Characters: Jack/Ianto
Spoilers: Torchwood: Children of Earth
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Russell T. Davies, the BBC, and other persons or entities own all things Torchwood. I own nothing and make no money from it.
Summary: Jack's thoughts
First in the series:
Drabble I: Don’t Ianto, I have missed you. For once, I’m speechless.
But when I go to hug and kiss you, you pull away? What’s wrong?
“Ianto? Why are you pulling away from me?”
“Well, you see, there’s another problem. It may make things a bit more difficult. It was why I haven’t approached you. Why I’ve been observing you.
“Here it is. I don’t remember you. I’ve no memory of you. I’m sorry.
“The Doctor thinks the length of my death affected my memory. The last thing I remember was starting to work for Torchwood London.”
Jack's Thoughts, Part X