Jun 12, 2010 02:03
- 07:26 Cleaners stole from my desk last night: pen, pencil, highlighter, mug, lotion, mirror. But left my tissues and water bottle. Thanks guys! #
- 20:14 My sinuses better calm down by this time tomorrow or it's going to suck sitting through the performance I'm going to. #
- 20:31 Lewis Black always seems like he's one joke away from a heart attack. #
- 21:04 Oh man, I just randomly remembered Tokyo Breakfast youtu.be/MgjwjaBJ5Do ! (Please nobody be offended, I found it hilarious c. 2001) #
- 21:40 Ahhh my face hurts :o( Stupid sinuses. #
- 22:10 @ natylite78 Reminds me of a joke: "Hey, does your face hurt?" "No." "Well it's killing me!" #
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