Jun 24, 2010 02:00
- 08:11 @ jsl108 It was in KoP off Henderson. Great location, but the more I think about it, the more things were wrong w/ it. Oh well. #
- 08:12 Dear loud co-worker on phone: I know it's early, but there are many other people here already. Please learn cube ettiquite. #
- 09:35 @ Jen423 This girl was on the phone (personal) for almost 1 hr, SO LOUD! Apparently she's been doing it all week, never noticed her before. #
- 19:05 "What kind of little boy has a tea set?" "I think we both know the answer to that - a lucky boy!" #TheSimpsons #
- 21:05 "If we're mad, we're mad at each other, I don't care if Obama is watching." #FabulousBeekmanBoys #
- 21:15 Project Runway 8 starts on July 29! And the episodes will be 90 minutes! ...But I think it's going to be in LA (like S6), so I won't watch. #
- 22:02 @ JenMilheim I was doing better, but my bug bites are going crazy tonight! What kind of monster mosquitoes do you have up there!? #
- 22:14 There is a huge bug flying inside my lamp :o/ #
- 23:02 Picked up dark chocolate coated edamame at Trader Joe's tonight - they are a hit! #
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