Jul 09, 2010 02:01
- 15:00 Someone left a Gordian Knot puzzle at our desk yesterday. It wasn't from the person we thought it was from, and now we're just confused! #
- 16:56 Can a smart person tell me what's wrong w/ my blog? Haven't changed template or posted anything weird, but only background & title display. #
- 17:29 @ cozbaldwin Well when I looked at the source code there was some sidebar stuff, too, but it obviously isn't displaying, either. #
- 17:47 I think this might finally force me to upgrade from WordPress 2.0.4, considering I also can't access my Themes tab :o( #
- 18:00 @ cozbaldwin Ahhh but it's a PAIN! #
- 18:16 Wordpress 3.0 is installing :o/ #
- 18:27 Wahhh! New WordPress is so different!!! #
- 18:36 @ GoDaddy I just set up a new sql db for my WP blog, why won't phpMyAdmin accept my username? Is it something different? #
- 18:48 @ GoDaddy So where can I find the username for the db? I already know the password (b/c I reset it) #
- 18:56 @ GoDaddy Can I DM you? #
- 20:12 WOO HOO! My blog is back, AND upgraded. Thank you SOOO much to @GoDaddy for your advice and support :o) #
- 20:49 Hmm, looks like a few categories were lost during the transition... #
- 21:20 @ jsl108 No, we found out who it was from - a training contractor who sits near us (but not the one we thought). #
- 21:54 @ cozbaldwin No widget. You mean the JFMAMJJASOND things? That's a plug-in, I can get you the name. #
- 21:56 @ cozbaldwin It's the Compact Archives plugin: rmarsh.com/plugins/compact-archives/ #
- 22:20 @ TIERRA226 That is why we have a TV in the guest bedroom :o) #
- 22:50 Good night moon, good night Twitter, good night creepy old lady silently rocking in the corner... #
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