Aug 14, 2022 12:00
- Sat, 19:08: I’ve never seen a cockroach in real life, and I’ve never seen a rat in real life. I’m genuinely ok with that.
Jul 28, 2022 12:00
- Wed, 19:05: Whenever my husband exclaims “Jesus Christ!” I respond with either “not my name but good try” or “yes, my child?” It’s driving him crazy.
Nov 10, 2020 12:00
- Mon, 16:57: Another show about the paranormal on. Then I hear a low, ominous sound IN MY ROOM! Ice grips my heart. I look towards the sound. My dog has made a cave under the blankets, and is snoring away. I guess chiweeny snores and messages from the beyond sound startlingly alike.
Nov 04, 2020 12:00
- Tue, 14:49: I’m watching marathons of paranormal videos on YouTube to distract me from my fear of the election in the country next door. Poltergeists/Shadow People vs Trump Supporters - I know which one I’m far more afraid of.