Title: Look at me! I'm a Goth! OOOO!
By Laura M.
I wear black
Look at me, I'm depressed.
No one likes me.
No one GETS me.
My parents suck.
Black. Death. Despair. Blood. Pain. Blah. Blah.
I'm depressed.
I feel pain.
I feel like no one GETS me.
But I don't feel the need to flaunt it like a little bitch.
Suck it up, goddamn it.
No one thinks your cool
Because you wear big black combat boots
And have 15 (visible) piercings
And wear no other color than black.
It's called color.
It's a good thing.
You aren't impressing anyone with your attitude.
Yea. I get depressed,
But I don't have to shut out the world,
Blame my parents,
And call everyone who doesn't look and act exactly like me a conformist.
I shop at the Gap.
I wear pink. (gasp)
I like life.
I only have 2 piercings (one in each ear).
I don't feel the need to pretend to be a nonconformist by shunning everyone different.
Get the fuck over yourself, Goth.
Go to the Gap.
Buy some khakis.
It'll do you good.
So... that poem in my profile? I posted the entire thing on my poetry page thing at WCooler.com, this poetry website... Within 2 hours, I got more comments than anything else I've ever written... View the insanity of poets:
The Good Reviews:
"Phew! Wait one second while I catch my breath.I think I almost wet myself reading that. It's hysterical. One of the more amusing poems I've seen on here in a long time. Bravo!"
"seriously, that was funny. Hah."
"laura is the best and shes only stating whats true"
"Haha. I really got a kick out of this."
And The Pissed off Reviews:
"FUCK YOU! This piece of shit rant here... This piece of shit dosen't deserve to be here or published...Do you think anybody gives a shit what color we wear? It's our choice so fuck off and let us choose."
" I'm also left to wonder what happened to the idea of talent in poetry because this has none... It is generalising and I can see how it would be offensive. You say you're not against them? Then perhaps you should not act like it. Lets think of another stereotype shall we...Oh yes, here we go. What can I call you...a pro-lifer, that will do. You sneer at those who have hate, at those who are depressed and at those who wear a darker colour. "
This is my favorite... let's analyze it line by line, shall we?
"I'm sorry but I think this is a very rude and ignorant poem." (k)
"I am what is considered 'punk', and do not appreciate being stereotyped." (so you stereotype yourself into a category, but get all pissed off about it...)
"Now, I'm pretty sure you don't like being called preppy by all the 'goths'. (i love how you assume i'm a preppy because i don't like goths... and if i really was, i wouldn't mind being called one... preppy isn't an insult, is? is "goth" an insult? and why the hell do you care... aren't you a self-proclaimed "punk"?)
"They are not being that way for your utter entertainment. It is who they are. " (all humans are here for my utter entertainment... and no one was born wearing black combat boots and a pound of black eyeliner, so don't pull that bullshit)
I for one, own black combat boots, and if anyone has a problem with it, screw them. (did i say i hated all people who wear black combat boots?)
I never said you had to wear them. If people don't wish to wear color, that is not of your concern. (again, it's not simply one aspect of the "goth" culture that pisses me off. Ana hardly wears any color than black, but she doesn't act like a goth. it's the attitude that the "goth" kids think they are "allowed" to have because they dress in that whole persona... it's their actions that piss me off, not the clothing)
People are stupid. I love it. And I love stereotypical people stereotyping me while being pissed that I stereotype them.... YAY!
**It makes my day how many people are responding to this. It was meant to be controversial. That was the point. You love it? Well, I love you and thanks for the support! You hate it? Good for you. Opinions are good. And I am not a preppy. I am just me, I wear what I want. Sometimes it's Gap, sometimes Hot Topic. I don't fit a mold. But I love how all of you defensive people assumed I was a pompom-toting cheerleader because I wrote this. Yay for stereotypes!
I don't hate Goths in general. I get pissed off when someone thinks that its cool to act depressed all the time... You wear combat boots? Cool. Whatever. Just don't waste your life away trying to impress people who hate the world because they hate themselves. It's stupid, as stupid as trying to impress the "preps" at your school. But you think you're different because you call yourself a "non-conformist" or "Goth"? Hah. You are so deluded. Not to say that I am perfect. I do it too. Hell, we all do (don't deny it). So suck it up, and take a joke, pansy