One day, I'll start posting on a regular basis. Today, is probably not that day. *looks at clock* Er.. morning..whatever.
So, Harry Potter. It's my new fandom and obsession. Since Angel's off the air I need something, you know. (Speaking of, was that the best finale, or what? Joss is evil. I worship that man.) I started reading fanfiction, HP, that is, and was completely enamored. Well, no, that's not exactly true. I had some relative interest in it for a while, watched the first movie on television a few months ago, saw potential Ron/Harry slash and decided to go find some fic.
As you'll notice from my icon, R/H did not stick. That's mainly because I ended up not finding any fic concerning them. Really, I was too lazy to look that hard, so came up with mostly Draco/Harry. Which I'm thankful for. (Maya's Underwater Light is keeper of my H/D love.) Finally got the books for my birthday, except the fifth one which I picked up last week. I'm half way through GoF. And any R/H that there might be through out the books my brain can't seem to turn into subtext. It's all the movies. At least the first, which is the only one I've seen. Watched it again recently, and got R/H vibes which I'm blaming entirely on Rupert Grint. He reminds me of Wesley in the first and second seasons of 'Angel' in his interactions with Harry. He's practically fawning over him.
Anyway, I'm really enjoying the books. PoA is my favorite so far. Have much love for Remus/Sirius, and Remus in general. Though to be honest all of the Marauders aside from Peter make me uneasy. And I'm in love with Severus Snape. It was the scene in PoA at Christmas. When Dumbledore (who I also have issues with, the man's nuts), asked him to pull the cracker and he did but grudgingly and Neville's gran's hat came out. Yeah. Nothing significant there, it's just when I realized it.
Now I'm coming up with all these crazy/sometimes disturbing theories and getting shipping vibes from various 'couples' I'd rather not be. By the end of CoS I was shipping Ron/Lockhart and hoping Ron would go visit him at St. Mungo's sometimes. O_o And is it just me, or is Rita Skeeter a drag queen?