Good Sellers/Buyers/Traders Database: N - Z

Aug 10, 2008 22:00

This database is to archive good transactions (sellers/buyers/traders etc.). So if you have had a good transaction with someone on *any* of the Gothic Lolita (and related EGA/Kodona communities), please leave their username. Thank you!

If you are a good trader and wish to have your name removed from the database please comment here as well. Bad traders do not have this option.

Dec. 29, 2007: This database has been synced with the Bad Traders database in terms of reflecting warnings for buyers/sellers who have had problematic transactions in the past.

**Any deleted lj usernames will be removed from this database - if you change your name please notify me immediately so feedback can be transferred!**

The numbers next to the names represent the number of people who have commented here with a good transaction from this person (be it buying, selling or trading.)

Linked usernames have been replaced with plain text for easy loading! Using ctrl + f is highly recommended.


How To Add Feedback Points:

1. Please leave a number based upon each separate transaction you have had with a seller. Multiple items in one transaction = 1, multiple items in multiple transactions = number of separate transactions. (I hope this is clear!)

2. NEW RULE: Briefly note what was purchased/sold -- Useful to get a sense of an authentic actual transaction to dissuade collusion in raising feedback scores illegally.
(ex. +1 LJ User Name - Metamorphose White Blouse)

To avoid another system crash in the future, your comment will be deleted after your feedback is added to the database and make it easier to keep track of what's been added.

- Lauren, kuramew

Please only post for Gothic lolita, EGA or Kodona related transactions.

Good Traders:

nana_jun +21 (WARNING: Check Bad and Neutral Sellers/Buyers/Traders Database.)
nandi +1
nashiko +2
natasha_lolita +1
natis_secus +1
necromanticize +1
needlesoup +1
needsmorerace +1
pinkapplejam +1
neko_oni +10
nekorei +1
nek0_nek0 +1
neku_niku +12
nemeira +1
neomo +1
nerorizim +5
nervoussystem +39
nessaneko/hearts_princess +10
neurotic_flower +1
nevinai +1
nevlothicons +1
new_xero +24
nickelblingshop +3
nightquest1976 +14
nikki_aino +1
nikkouchan +5
nina_tsukiko +1
ninchu +3
ninedrop_chi +1
ninnoh +2
nixie_tiem +1
noblesseoblige +2
noir_lollie +4
noirpapillon +2
nonody +9
not_a_girl +1
nov6 +2
novacaine_kiss +1
noxiousrainbow +23
nozomiwhitewolf +4
noy_chan +2
nubcaekz +4
nurse_reita +1
nyu_hikari +3

o_chibi_chan +1
ofinns +8
of_static +2
yume_ninja +1
ohchalua +32
ohemgeeitsdesh +1
ohmy_sales +1
oishiimono +1
okaimono +2
ongaku_chan +6
o0o_caitlin_o0o +1
oo_dragonfly_oo +3
oooshiny +1
ophelia_gray +1
orange_parade +1
otakumoon +1
okoto_waiting +1
oxxcyanidexxo +4

paffou +8
paillettes +9
pain_killer_80 +5
palantiriell +7
pammiessales +1
pancakebear +26
panda_usagi +3
papercutzy +2
paraelven +2
paranoia9 +1
paranoianine +4
para_sales +4
patch_coat +7
pauvre_lola +5
pawteegal +1
pearliel +1
peachy_momo +1
pegasusmaiden +18
peony_pink +2
perfect_black +2
persoconchii/x_chise_x +11
pet_chan +3
petit_dessert +1
petit_oeuf +4
petiteprincess1 +3
petitecharlotte +1
petullant +1
pgchan +8
phaerie +1
phantasmagoria +2
phantombreeze +1
phenphenny +3
philiaphilis +2
phoenixwind +3
php_elf +2
pierrotseven +1
pigeon_master +1
pinafore +4
pink_blossem +1
pinkdog +3
pinkheadriot +1
pink_pedals +1
pinksweetlolita +3
pinkwigs +9
pinq_couture +4
pictishlass +5
piepapanda +8
piratessan +1
pixycrack +1
plaidtuchpherd +1
plasticmonkey +6
plicka_shiwaah +8
plsandthnkq +3
plumvs +6
pocketmonsterz +2
poisonlipsterar +1
poisoned_heartx +1
pomeh +1
liakitten +1
potetofurai +1
poupeemarie +2
pour_me_coffee +2
preciousdeadly +1
prettygraffitti +90
prettypettycoat +1
primrose_sales +1
prince_du_ciel +5
princess_eowyn +1
princessllyr +1
princesslolidol +1
princessng +10
princesspammie +3
princess_pammie +1
printergirl +3
propertea +3
psiulover +6
psycho_shoujo +1
pui_puni +5
puregirlblue +8
pure_terrorist +5
purinyappykura +5
purple_ichigo +1
pyrodove +2

qcute +29
queen_of_dorks +8
queenoffantasy +6
queen_shop +1
quemadura +2
qui_ +2
quoththeraven +12
qv27032 +14

ra_life +3
rabu_neko +5
radish_baby +6
rainbowcheese +5
rakuenfashion +1
randomisgemini +2
raptoe +1
rasari_rage +1
rave_andou +2
ravenmelonai +3
ravenslolita +23
ravenwermut +1
rayna1 +5
razzymelon +5
reality_suture +1
rebarabbit +3
redninjawinz +27
little_yew +1
redtonic +5
rein_und_tanji +6
reiayanami2001 +1
reignwaterburns +1
relucesco +2
retr0sc0pe +2
reversemirror +1
rhole +3
riantlykalopsic +4
riji_pon +2
rikit +11
rinibiny +1
rithrin +11
riya_chan +12
rizumu +1
ro_ren +24
roanoah +12
rogue_psyche +2
roro_sales +1
rosa_duchamp +4
rosegold_ruby +2
rosiel_sei +3 (WARNING: Check Bad and Neutral Sellers/Buyers/Traders Database.)
royalscandal +1
rozenxmaiden +1
ruby_maluba/ rubym_sales +4
rubyakiou +10
rubystripes +2
runali +2
ruthrawr +5

_setsuka_ +3
saabisu +9
sadakodona +1
sadistickiss +1
sailorphoenix84 +3
saitou_null +10
sakitodream +1
sakkakufae +5
sakumaomi +6
sakurafairy/lotvdesigns +5
sakurak +3
sakuranbon +1
sakurangel +1
sakurahidaka +3
sally67 +1
samthekat +3
samsara83 +1
sang_rose +1
sankakukoen +2
sansele +3
santos_ai +1
saraclaudia +5
sar_aahhh +1
sardonicsmile +5
sayuri_eve +1
scarletdecay +1
scarletsedusa +3
sciapy +2
scoundreldays +2
seedofdarkness +1
seeinglife +14
sefieslj +4
seiji_gaku +4
seikosan +1
sekiria +33
sen_posel +1
sensitivity_od +1
sequinhat +1
serenelune +2
serse +2
sewinggoddess +1
shadowgarnet +1
shamp +1
shantiny +1
shanzig +1
shaoyang_ +3
shatiaaa +1
shelbycloud +7
shenhao +1
sherbertsugar +1
sherridea +4
shibahime +20
shieldkitten +6
shirabe +1
shigatsu_dris +4
shikuraitenshi +1
shiroi_yuffie +5
shirouzu_ko +5
shizuka_85 +6
shojokakumei +1
sicksaddaria +1
sieneko +1
sillyriri +1
silversfall +4
silver_tallest +1
silver_youko +11
siminators +1
simply26 +2
sindromatic +1
sinful_sorrows +1
sisterite +1
siyamau +2
skobedo +3
skyblue_pink +3
sky_tipped +1
sleepingapple +21
sleepy_kaze +6
slowsuit +5
smile_ichiban +3
smileysquid +3
snikity +5
sn0rkmaiden +7
snobbyshannie +2
snooping_sophie +13
snotcakes +2
snowwhites7sins +1
socialriotss +1
sodapop1kitten +2
sofiaviolet +4
solaceincoffee +4
sonia_leong +4
sonicslayr +3
somnambulatory +6
somuchseafood +1
sopoliini +2
sorrysadlikeme +7
souvay +1
spank_d +1
sparkleberry +9
sushicupcake +2
spia_spia +1
spiderbus +1
spinafewtimes +3
spinel_lady +11
spookify +5
sproutasaurus +1
squishy_plushie +9
starringbuttons +5
starryfeet +4
startswithone +10
stelala/stelala_sales +3
stockingshock +5 (WARNING: Check Bad Sellers/Buyers/Traders Database.)
straw_bunny +1
strawrose +2
strawberry_shop +20
strawberry_yura +17
stringy_cow +2
subjecauxiliar +1
sucrebonbon +7
sugar_sweets +1
sugarly_sweet +1
sugarcreamcandy +1
sugarblue_sunny +3
sukiban +1
suleriel +1
sunkyung +1
supamarshmallow +1
supereuroflash +1
supersaza +1
surprizesurgery +1
sushibot +2
suzu_hime +12
suzuran_hime +3
swan_princess +2
swdpunk +2
sweet_like_you +1
sweet_misa +5
sweet_n_low182 +1
sweet_paradox +6
sweethoneyblade +4
sweetlolimillie +1
sweetiepup +1
sweetfm/rh11 +26
sweetieloli +2
sweetphaex +10
swts2_excelina +23
swtgreentea +7
synned +1
syrenshaeda +1

t_i_c_k_l_e_s +1
tachotoki +1
taichotoki +10
taintednaivety +1
takiyo +10
talia_speaks/jolie_chose +71
talto +17
tamayaki +1
tamulove +1
tarasockss +1
tartlet +3
tastespink +3
t3h_janitor_jim +1
tea_with_alice +5
teacupprincess +1
tearain +1
teferis +1
tehkitashi +1
teh_squishy +12
telephone_eater +1
tenshihimoto +2
terukiyo +3
terzetti +1
tekaki +2
tetsu69 +1
that_chick13 +2
the_and_moose +1
the_boojum +1
the_evil_cute +1
the_mad_milash +10
the_painful_red +1
the_rami +6
the_reaper_ +1
theambertrap +3
thechildbeneath +1
theda_bara +7
theladyfeylene +1
themadpuppy +9
thenew7up +5
theosakakoneko/osakaneko_sales +99
thepurinsu/oh_dear_sale +1
therrymonk13 +50
thevina83 +1
thevisual_beast +13
thexoubliette +6
thisca +2
thiswaltz +2
thornchan +1
thya +1
tian_shi +23
tiffanystardoll +1
tiggielil +3
tiger_flickan +4
timemaiden +6
tjarasasse +1
tnicole1976 +1
toaki +1
tobiascamery +3
tokietenshi +2
tokyoalicia +3
tokyofro +12
tokyosheart +3
tokyoyume +1
t_o_n_k_s +3
torment2romance +3
totalximmortal +1
totodedum +5
toujourspret +1
tralala +1
trancegeminii +7
trashsocialite +1
__transylvania +1
traumerei +1
treacle_tarts +4
treesdancealone +2
trentacle +2
trimgular +1
tropigalia +2
truelolita +1
tsu_ +9
tsukinokrystal +1
tsuyukusa +1
tsu_nanashi +4
twigenstein +2

_uzuki_ +2
uh41 +2
uiggu +12
ugly_kitties +3
ukoku +1
ulala_gee +6
ungodlykitty +9
unsecretcrush +1
unseelie_allure +2
unvisualismed +1
urasora +2
usagi_no_hime +2
uzu_uzu +1

_videl +3
vagrant_firefly +2
vahinko/vahinko_sales +3
val_chante +7
valkyrie_chan +1
valli_sama +5
vampasandra +3
vampy +7
vanilla_loli +1
vanniepannie +5
vedi_cakes +7
veechan +1
veeja +2
venus_ivy +2
verdandi_magic +2
verdronkenvisje +9
vermilion_brain +1
victoriay +14
viley +3
villanelle +1
violet_allure +1
violet_winter +1
violent_r0mance +1
viru_hime +10
visible_ciel +1
visual_addicts +7
visual_trapvisual_sales +10
vividdusk +2
vixel +2
voenne +1
voiceofanarchy +1

wachiki +7
warumonokyo +3
washeh +1
watashi_wa_mae +2
waychel +1
weeefairy +2
wickedmizeri +4
wienna_lee +8
wildcherrypepsi +1
wildroselolita +2
willowwand +1
windansea +1
winterdark +1
winterisforus +5
wintermoon_snow +5
winter_overture +3
winyi +1
wuchan +6

x__ruined__x +2
x_azriel_x +2
x_haruna_x +3
x_konoka_x +3
x_sydnez_x +2
x0g33k0x +10
x24kocylinderx +1
xaynie +2
xbeastofbloodx +4
xbiteyourtongue +48
misadesu +1
xclaretx +9
xelyna +3
xicachu +2
xjisatsucircle +3
xkiddie +2
xlilliex +1
xlilliumx +1
kattykinns +1
xmemoryless +1
xmidarex +16
xmordecaix +2
xpolkapunkx +2
xonii18 +5
xuruhax +1
xx_luna_lux_xx +3
xxcrazyxangelxx +6
xxfauxribbonxx +1
xxscrumptiousxx +1
xxtsukinohimexx +3
xxx_nolita_xxx +2

yami_no_cosmos +11
yami_no_geisha/geisha_sales +20
yikyu1991716 +18
yinbuja +8
yimisty +3
yohmama +5
yonaki_85 +2
yoshikiart +6
youdbemydream +1
yourpervert +4
yslyonesse +1
yualya +1
yueqian +10
yui_sales +2
yuki_no_hime +1
yukiyukiloli +1
yumeloli +1
yumexp +5
yumewo +1
yuribaby +2
yuugen +1

zerick +12
zero_angel_eva +7
ziphertis +2
zombi667 +2
zyphtiel +1

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