[MOD] Gothic & Lolita Shop Database.

Apr 06, 2006 20:22


New York:


Country: United States.
City/Town: Erie.
Shop name: Gold Star Asian Products Incorporated.
Address: 5800 Peach St
Erie, PA 16565
Contact details: (814) 866-3688
Stocks: GLBs, pullips, gL related figures.
Ships internationally: Unknown.




Country: Austria
City/town: Vienna
Shop Name: St. Louis
Address: OTTO BAUER GASSE 24, 1060 VIENNA - A U S T R I A
Contact details: www.st-louis.at
Stocks: Stuff from Taiwan.
Ships Internationally: Yes.




City/town: London.
Shop Name: Sai Sai.
Address: Camden Stables Market.
Contact details: None.
Stocks: K-star, Demonia.

City/town: London.
Shop Name: Angel.
Address: Camden Market.
Contact details: None.
Stocks: K-star.


City/town: Sheffield.
Shop Name: Rocky Horrors.
Address: 102 Devonshire Street, Sheffield, S3 7SF.
Contact details: http://www.rockyhorrors.co.uk/ 0114 2493461.
Stocks: Lolita Rose, Phaze.
Ships internationally: Yes.




City/Town: Paris.
Shop Name: Harajuku.
Address: 17 rue Lagrange
75 005 Paris
Metro Maubert Mutualité, ligne 10
Contact details: None.
Stocks: ?
Ships internationally: ?

City/Town: Paris.
Shop Name: Boddywood
Address: 19 rue Tiquetonne
75 002 Paris
Contact details: www.boddywood.com, [00 33] 1 42 33 23 46
Stocks: ?
Ships internationally: ?

City/Town: Paris.
Shop Name: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright.
Address: 72 avenue Ledru-Rollin
75 012 Paris
Contact details: www.babyssb.co.jp/info/pariopen.html, babyparis.blog99.fc2.com
Stocks: BTTSB items.
Ships internationally: ?





The Netherlands:


City/town: Bilthoven (nearby Utrecht)
Shop Name: Mfashion.
Address: Kwinkelier 3a, 3723 tx Bilthoven.
Contact details: www.mfashion.nl.nu huisman177@zonnet.nl
Stocks: Metamorphose, baby the stars shine bright, victorian maiden, MMM & Heart E, Juliette et Justine, VW jewellry (In the future maybe more brands)
Ships internationally: Yes.




Shop Name: Creme Brulee
Address: 台北市大安区忠孝東路四段216巷40弄11号1F [Reads: Taipei Shi, Da An Qu, Zhong Xiao Dong Ru, Shi Duan, 216 Xiang, 40 Long, 11 Hao, 1F]
Online Site: http://cremebrulee.hp.infoseek.co.jp/
Phone Number: 02-2711-6181
Stocks: Angelic Pretty

Shop Name: Mini Girl
Phone Number: 02-2381-7873
Stocks: fruits-style clothes, lolita

Shop Name: Kira Kira
Address: Located in "Xi Meng Ding" [This is a shopping area like Takeshita Douri.]
Stocks: lolita


Shop Name: 小花柄精品服飾 [HANA]
Address: 60 Da Tun 19th Street 台中市大陸路 5号 [Reads: Taichung Shi, Da Tun Ru, 5 Hao] ** For some reaon, the numbers do not correspond with each other.
Online Site: http://www.janemarple-stmm.co.jp/box/g/index.html
Phone Number: 04-2310-6726
Stocks: Jane Marple. I don't think all their clothes are lolita, but I guess it could be.


Shop Name: 糖果房間 [Candy Room]
Address: 台南市民族路 2段 144号 [Reads: Tainan Shi, Ming Zu Ru, 144 Hao]
Online Site: http://www.janemarple-stmm.co.jp/box/g/index.html
Phone Number: 06-225-2006
Stocks: Jane Marple.


Shop Name: 漢摩拉比 [Reads: Han Mo La Bi]
Address: 高雄市新興区新田路121號 [Reads: Kaoshiong Shi, Xin Xing Qu, Xin Tian Ru, 121 Hao]
Online Site: http://www.janemarple-stmm.co.jp/box/g/index.html
Phone Number: 096-320-9040
Stocks: Jane Marple.

Shop Name: ?? in 新堀江商圈 [Shinkuchan Mall]
Address: The mall is located at Wunhua Rd. and Renjhih St.
Map and Online Info: http://invest.kcg.gov.tw/specstreet/english/05/e_05_01.htm
Info: This mall is geared toward teens and has a lot of imported goods. There is supposed to be a store in a corner of the 2nd floor inside the mall that sells KSTAR and punk loli.
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