
Sep 30, 2006 21:23

Character Information
Name / LJ Username (if available): Lolita Damon
House: Hufflepuff
Age / Birthdate: March 21, Aries, 17 years
Year: 7

Bloodline / Heritage: Half, mixed east European
Personal History: 
She grew up entirely in the wizarding world, born to Dolores, a muggle-born, plain, slightly frumpy woman, quite simple-minded. Dolores makes ( Read more... )


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Comments 58

getaway_machine October 1 2006, 03:03:14 UTC

Darin (charmingdarin) loves his fellow Puffs as a general rule, so I think he would like her -- though, he may have tried to flirt with her at one point in time, and I'm not sure how she would have taken that?

Anyway, he's a nice guy in general, ESPECIALLY to fellow Puffs, and they would at least KNOW each other. he's a Quidditch player... not on the school team anymore, but he plays, and he loves it. maybe they could have had a friendly round every now and again, outside of the school team? I dunno, random ideas.

Let me know what you think/if you have any ideas??


lolita_damon October 1 2006, 03:17:03 UTC
Hee. Flirting? She probably would've taken it lightly, almost as a joke, since he's a fellow housemate. 'Course, if he were a total stranger, she'd probably pulverize him...but no. Puff power! Woo!

Suuuure, they might even practice Quidditch together, if she's in a good mood. =D


charmingdarin October 1 2006, 03:22:02 UTC
Ah, that works, at least. Better than not taking to it well at all, anyway. :D

Maaan, I want a thread with like, a ton of Puffs or something. Darin loves his housemates, he's very, PUFFS RULE WOOO.

anyway, weeee! XD We should thread them sometimeeeee.


lolita_damon October 1 2006, 19:02:59 UTC
Woohoo! Threads! Let me know if you get an idea. Likewise, I'll ring you if I think of something. =D


ben_connelly October 1 2006, 03:09:34 UTC
Ugh, man, she sounds GREAT.

Ben would totally love her. I can see them being really good friends, they have tons in common. Minus the sports, she's the type of person he usually hangs out with. While he's a sixth year Gryff, they might've met in previous years, of in a study or something. Do you think she'd like him?

I've also got adam_spencer, a seventh year Claw. They'd know each other, but I don't know if there'd be much there. He's a sweetheart, but he's painfully shy, she might be annoyed by him? I dunno, we could work out backstory if you like.


lolita_damon October 1 2006, 19:19:48 UTC
Haa. I like how Ben's header calls him "resident git." Lolita might even call him that sometimes. Ben sounds kinda like Lolita in some aspects. Brooding? Quiet? Mysterious? Oh yeah. I'm sure they'll get along well, since he's not annoying or anything of the like. And she'd know him since she's met Avis in detention, repeatedly. XD

For some reason, I cannot read Adam's profile. Maybe because it's f-locked. But painfully shy = pathetic, in Lolita's dictionary. She has trouble seeing why some people are afraid of things.


avis_abernathy October 1 2006, 03:24:20 UTC
Hrmm. Let's see. Avis is kind of like her, actually. I can see Avis hanging out with her and going "Gah, why are you a Hufflepuff?!" I dunno if Lolita would open up enough to be friends with Avis enough, though, but if she did, I can see her being pretty good friends with her and looking up to her. Avis likes those free-spirit types.

But Hargy might. . .I dunno. Maybe just in passing, as an aquaintance. She'd probably HATE him, though. That might be fun.

And my new boy Troy (frogleygoof), naiive and goofy, 7th year Claw, hits on anything that moves, talkative and cocky and jocky. Probably fawns over her, trying to get her to talk to him by being all "charming." Which is just silly and annoying, really. He is smart. . .at times. . .


lolita_damon October 1 2006, 03:35:39 UTC
Yesh. Lolita would find Avis a interesting character. A tad bit on the talktative side, so mostly she'd sit and nod and listen, I guess.

Hargy! Lolita would hate him. She'd love to make endless pokes at his girly side.

HAHAHA Troy! That's awesome! Lolita would find his fawning really amusing. Depending on her mood, she'd sit quietly and give him a you're-kidding-aren't-you sort of look, or she'd elbow him hard in the ribs. XD


avis_abernathy October 1 2006, 03:58:05 UTC
Sweet! She needs more non-Lion friends as well. As for BS, well, maybe. . .gah I have no idea. Is Lolita the type to get detentions? Because that's a good place for Avis to meet other people from other Houses. Or I see above me Ben, Avis' best friend might be really good friends with Lolita as well, maybe they met through him??

Oh poor Hargy but that's what he's HERE for! So yes.

And yup my new boyboy Troy! He'd probably be even more fueled if she thinks he's just goofy, him seeing it as maybe she likes him back. He'd probably try to win her over by talking about philosophy or something "smart" and "Ravenclaw"-ish. He'd probably think she's seriously digging on him :P


lolita_damon October 1 2006, 19:29:16 UTC
Awww. Can you imagine how cute threads between Lolita and Troy would be? But yes, you're dead-on; Lolita is willfully distant and Troy, I think, would see that as a sort of challenge. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Lolita is def. the detention type...she'd talk back to teachers and all that jazz. Ha. There we go--perfect backstory.


rae_burton October 1 2006, 07:39:04 UTC
Rae wouldn't like her very much I don't think.

Petah would probably like her cuz he likes everyone.

Urm I'm spacey at the moment.


lolita_damon October 1 2006, 19:24:04 UTC
Heh. We have plenty of liscence for catfights here. Lolita would prolly fight differently, since she's not all girly like Tati...I bet she'd be more forward with insults and whatnot. If Rae's up for another bitchslapping round, Lolita would definitely be up for it.

I've always loved how everyone says "Petah" instead of "Peter." That's so cute. XD


lizzy_zanders October 1 2006, 20:59:34 UTC
Yuuus bitchfights are amazing! Rae's always up for those, are you kidding me?

Lmao it's so much cuter than Peter sometimes.


lolita_damon October 1 2006, 21:08:33 UTC
=D Shall Lolita start the thread, then? Or should Rae?


ainsleigh_barr October 1 2006, 14:51:29 UTC
Okay, I only have two characters. Ainsleigh is a 5th year, Muggleborn Hufflepuff who she would likely know. Ainsleigh is talkative and bubbly, which I imagine would annoy Lolita slightly. She also likes Quidditch, but doesn't play due to a balance problem when she's put on a broom. She doesn't care much for football either, but is tolerant as he brother plays. She will likely have pestered Lolita in her first year as she was on a sort of quest to find out as much about Hogwarts/the wizarding world in general before she moved up a year.

adz_caltieri is a 1st year Slytherin (so probably won't know her) who is halfblood but pretends to be Pureblood. He aspires to be a DE but doesn't let anyone know that unless he's sure that they won't condemn him, or that they want the same thing. He's nice to everyone just in case they can help him some way in the future.



lolita_damon October 1 2006, 20:10:22 UTC
Hee. It seems like there are quite a few bubbly people in the world. Ha, sucks for Lolita. Perhaps Lolita would get so annoyed with Ainsleigh's faulty flying that one day, Lolita sat her down and went, "Look. You need help. Got a free hour? I'mma fix your posture before it kills my eyes," or something like that.

Lolita wouldn't know Adz, I'm almost sure of that...


ainsleigh_barr October 1 2006, 21:51:14 UTC
Lol, it does, doesn't it? That sounds good. She has been terrible from her very first flying lesson, when she couldn't even get the broom to come up to meet her hand. She'd have been glad of the help, but probably wouldn't have improved much.

I didn't think she would, i just figured I'd throw him out there.


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